Chapter 8

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   It has been a week, since Steve has awoken.

   Not much has happened overall. It took a day, for Steve to confess what he had seen in the shower. He does not know what it means or where it is from. He would begin to feel anxiety attacks, whenever anyone would ask him about it. He tries to make them understand but there are times when it's clear they just think it's a side effect for being a "Demon". That word began to trend throughout the facilty, because there is not many people in this Umbrella facility.

   There was a day when, Ada tried having Steve talk to Yumi about the "PTSD" they claim it is, but Yumi is still feeling clearly upset, about the comments Steve made during his hair cut.

   People seemed to have taking a liking to the new look, and he was agreeing with them. As odd as it was, the hair style seemed ageless. As if any generation would like it. It baffled him, but he was not going to argue over it.

   Ada was being more of a mentor than expected not because she felt obligated to but because this place bores her and she wants someone to pass her time productively. Steve didn't seem to mind, since he had felt as if everyone else hated him.

   He has been very thankful for Ada, whenever something seemed to be getting dramatic she would intervene, and resolve the situation immediately. Similar to how he felt towards high school. It is best, to be best friends with the bully. Ada doesn't ever see it that way, though. She just wants to make sure, there's no drama between her, and the crew.

   James came around and apologized at the sixth day to Steve. Steve understood James, and the circumstances that was thrown to him, but James wanted to make sure there was absolutely no quarrel, he promised to get Steve drunk today. Steve didn't want to say no, but had no idea what any form of alcohol tasted like. He doesn't remember teen night, because of alcohol.

   Steve was tired, in his room. He layed idly by on his bed staring at the cold white ceiling. There's not much to do at this facility other than talking, gaining information about the outside world, and training. Ada is going to make Steve train tomorrow morning, so she won't be bored for the whole day.

   Throughout the week, people have explained that the fourth level of the facility is restricted for many reasons. Rumors go by claiming that the level is full of BOW's. There are times at night when Steve hears a bunch of thumping from above, and he is on level three.

   Looking at this soft tiled ceiling very much, reminded him of high school and all of the struggles that he went through during it. In fact in many ways this scenario his life has given him is very much like a high school or even a college. He has his friends, his tutors and his classes. Classes has not started yet, but it's the thought that counts.

   BOOM! Steve's door swings open and slams onto the wall, jumping Steve making him instinctively sit up. Along came Yumi, her figure as she walked up to him clearly stating she is still upset and doesn't want to be here.

   "So...", she started. "Any bad dreams?" She was almost snarling as she spoke

   "Uhm... No?" Steve stated unsure what she was so upset about 'did my comment about her wanting to study me, really hurt her that much?' He thaught to himself.

   "And no health issues?" Her tone would rise every time she has to ask something as if she was getting even more annoyed.

   "No! Honest!" Steve felt like he was being attacked his hands arose gesturing he has nothing to hide. His reaction to her tone made her realize that she was being loud with him. As If Yumi did not even notice. She backed off and quickly became insecure, still upset but was a lot calmer with him. She had her head turned a bit, not willing to look at Steve anymore.

   "And, you're absolutely sure your feeling fine?", she gave a faint sigh.

   "Yes. I'm sure" Steve responded concerned about her and quickly realized she would not be willing to tell him anything if he does not ask for forgiveness for his ignorant comments he made, when she cut his hair.

   She turned and started to head for the door. This was Steve's chance to apologize.

   "...Y-Yumi! Wait!" Syeve quickly stated before she had the chance to leave. She halts at her spot and turns to him.

   "I know the things I said were rather hurtful and close-minded. I shouldn't have assumed how you felt towards me, and I don't deserve your assistance in my physical therapy. I wish to thank you and apologize." He took a deep breath, and gave a sorrowful smile.

   Her eyes were all that was looking in his direction. She gave a smile and giggles as the rest of her body faces Steve.

   "I'm not mad about that anymore" she says. "I'm just dealing with Jason after you. He's not as tolerable as you. And totally not as cute" she finishes as she leaves, giving a toying wink.

   Steve stood there thinking about her words and gave a smile. He feels girls sometimes hide there pain or struggle to guys they like, or would even ignore them with someone they genuinely like. Yumi's words threw him off, since she admitted what's upsetting her with both a smile and flirted afterwards.

   Steve lays back down and stared back at the tiles of the ceiling. His mind began to wonder and he could not just sit around anymore. He felt as if he was getting bored with the place. It is a shocker to him since he usually gets bored a lot faster than a week.

   Steve hops out of bed and heads to the exit of the office he sleeps in. 'No more sitting around. I want to help with whatever I can. It's the least I can do for everyone who has been keeping me alive' he thought as he grabbed the doorknob and twisted to open it. The door opens on the other side and aveil comes Ada. She wobbles readying herself to be bumped into the moment she saw Steve, but he does the same. They stand there for a quick second and Steve then giggles to avert the awkwardness. Ada just smiles.

   "You seem to be ready to be busy. I've seen determination like that in many other eyes" Ada states softly. Her soft tone was very soothing to Steve ever since she found him in the shower.

   Steve scratches the back of his head feeling somewhat irritated he needed to explain himself but since it's Ada he wouldn't argue "Yup!" He openly states, "I'm tired of just eating and sleeping. I wanna work!"

   Ada kept her smile and nods "Then, would you like to go to the SimTrainer?"

   This was the first time he heard of the name of the simulation system that Ada goes into everyday. She would just go in and stay there for at least an hour and a half, and come back out with very little sweat. Steve, like a baby boy asked if he wants candy, he happily nods to her, "I was hoping you'd ask me, eventually!".

   She opens her mouth, about to tall and some voice comes out but it gets caught when she hears a chime in her pocket. She pulls out her phone and raises a finger to Steve informing him to wait a second. Her eyes peer back and forth onto the screen and quickly gives a look of serious concern. "Some other time. I got something to do." Ada says as she completely begins to look way more serious and walks to the left side of the pale white featureless halls

   Steve quickly follows whether she wants him to or not "what is it?" He asks

   "My phone got a ping on the certain person who saved you". She utters as she walks with determination

   "Wait", he responds. "You mean the guy, Albert wesker?.. I thought you told me he's dead!"

   "He is..."

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