OVA-Puppy And Devotion?

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This happened before the crowning ceremony.

During Breakfast, Astaroth decided to inquire about something with Reika.

"Young prince, there is something I wish to ask if I may"

"Hmm? And what may that be?"
Reika looked over taking a sip from his beverage. Satan only paid half of his attention and rather focused on a document pertaining to the demons who had been exorcised in Russia for the last month. Though the report was filled with quite the amount of swear words.. daring but amusing.

Lucifer was telling Samael off for annoying Amaimon with a reflection object and blinding him in the face. Egyn was busy trying to get his closest sibling to not have a wrestling competition with Beelzebub who was smuggling some bacon into his clothes for his centipedes and scorpions. Azazel.. just listened to music via his headphones while eating cereal.

"Well..." Astaroth began smirked, "does the prince have someone he fancies?" Reika became speechless from the unexpected question. He did however, to some of his family members notice, get red on the ears and then slightly look away from the dining table.

Getting amused Samael got a grin, he had someone else to tease it seems. "Oohh~? Kukuku~, do you now little brother~? Is it a one sided love or only a crush? Do we know them? As what do they identify themselves? I'm really interested in what your tastes are~."

Satan looked over his paperwork slightly where he saw his his son was progressively getting red cheeks. Reika looked at him with puppy eyes, he raised an eyebrow seeing the sign of 'help me'. Satan decided to speak up.

"Well colour me surprised. I didn't know my son is already on the first step to start his own family. Will I be a grandfather soon I wonder?"

"Father!" yelled a pink faced Reika standing up from his stoll while his other sons spit out their bacon or got into a laughing fit like Samael "A-aha-ahahaha!".

"He looks like he's gonna fart from all that laughing" said Iblis quietly inching away from his brother who looks like he might get a Heart attack sometime soon. "Not my fault then when it will stink of Confetti and indefinable things from his abominations" whispered Astaroth before focusing back on Reika.

"Could you tell us their name?" politely asked Lucifer while stomping on Samael's feet from under the table "Ouch!". Reika glanced around shyly and even Azazel momentarily took off one of the sides of his headphones to listen. He still looked lazy as hell like Amaimon despite the event taking place before them.

"...pha.." Reika mumbled shily.
"? Excuse me what now?" Beel came closer as he didn't hear that from his position at the table. Neither did the others. Reika got even more flushed on the face before he bit his lip and shouted with closed eyes "SAPHIRA!".

It was quiet. VERY quiet. Even Samael didn't make a noise, too shocked was he to continue laughing. The only sounds to be heard were their fathers intakes of coffee and Amaimon dropping his chocolate cookie in his milk.

Azazel was the first to speak to his tomato of a brother "... You mean the lead singer of the band BLUE DREAMS from Assiah?". Reika opened his ewes blinking.

"You know her?" As an answer, Azazel put his headphones on Reika's head and pressed the play button on his Playlist. Reika got surprised to hear one of his favorite songs and looked to the Spirit King who showed him his Playlist "I listen to her music, little brother." Satan put his papers down "Might someone be able to clarify for me who this 'Saphira' is?". Lucifer coughed.

"*Cough* Father, Saphira is - to my knowledge - a popular singer and idol in Assiah who performs alone and not in groups unlike those from the same company as her. A branch of my Illuminati has also been sponsoring her company ever since it started up some mortal years ago thus, I know of something you will be - and the others mehr too - surprised to hear."

'Oi Lucifer your not going to-!' mentally warned Samael to him.
Lucifer gave him a slight tilt of his head as a 'no, I'm not' sign.

"And what would that be?" Egyn  raised an eyebrow fingering his glass of juice. "She can see demons and does not tolerate it when Excorcist walk in on her performance just because they are there. The demons even appreciate her interference and thus behave around her concerts. Funny enough though, she's friends with two very high ranking Exorcist's." He looked at their father gauging his reaction at his next words.

"They are first rank exorcist Shura Kirigakure and the Paladin Shiro Fujimoto himself. She is trustworthy enough in my opinion, as she can understand demons and accepts them... to a certain degree. My subordinates are rather vague of her when someone causes trouble or is being partially unreasonable. So I think she's-"

"A Nephilim... " breathes Azazel happily surprised. "And she even drives the Excorcists away? Fucking perfect!" grined Iblis. "Language!" strictly reprimanded him Astaroth.

Meanwhile Lucifer and Samael were sharing in on a mental conversation with Amaimon.

Samael: 'Reika has a crush on Saphira!? Oh my god! {German: Ach du meine Güte! Nicht oh mein Gott. ->He not getting hurt from saying' god' or the like} this is so-! So! I am at a loss for words right now!'
Amaimon: 'This sounds troublesome... Should we do sth about it big brother?'
Lucifer: 'For now we'll see how it goes but best to try and not let them meet face to face. That would be a bad impact on Rin.'

Samael: 'I wonder how I didn't see this coming.. after all Rin has so many relationships in the other dimensions it should've been obvious.'
Amaimon: 'Really? Even with me Aniue? -understood big brother Lucifer.'

Samael: 'Yes. In fact you are more often in a romantic relationship than even me and Lucifer combined.'
Lucifer: 'Not that this isn't interesting but we should pay attention to the others again.'
Samael/Amaimon: 'Fine / yes, Lucifer'

Just as they finished their mental conversation Satan spoke "Reika." Reika snapped his attention to his father, the God of Gehenna, while his siblings looked over curiously. "Yes, father?". Satan spoke stoically with peaceful face:  "Before you do anything, think about your feelings. It wouldn't be fair to the lady if you go at it half heartedly or its just the admiration of a fan. Show us that your not pursuing puppy love, your not a child anymore. As a man, you should show devotion to things you want and not regret it."

'Whaaaatt?!!!!!???' raced through the mind of a majority of the Baal who looked incrediously at their father.

"Also, if you are going to be serious about it... don't ask your brothers for advice, they suck at things like pursuing love with patience."

"Hey! / Father! / -I do not! / But I'm the one people flirt with?" they blinked and looked at the one who said the last sentence. It was...


Iblis fell of his chair from the hilarity 'I'll so~ stalk him later to see it!'. Apparently Beelzebub and Samael seemed aboard with that as they nodded along. Amaimon just joined since it would seem interesting.

'Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan' repeated Lucifer in his head to calm down and partly to his two siblings though one was already having a creepy laugh. Yeah, their breakfast was ruined.

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