4. Injured and shunned

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{Left is Reika and the other Rin. Switch their clothes though}


~one month later~

While playing in their room at night, a storm was happening outside making both get scared. While they have brothers that could cause natural disasters themselves loud noises or things that happen to quickly for them to comprehend are to much for demons for their age. Regardless of being Half-demons or not. Rin however was feeling left out more than before now that his older brother got powers and he doesn't. While he didn't notice it himself because his two oldest brothers and his Amai-Nii were spending time with him, the others were fawning over Reika and spoiling him even more.

The thunder striked everywhere at random times making both huddle into their favorite blankets. Sometimes they see lightning crash into the Castle's barrier making both jump closer to each other like scared cats. Their family was busy with work and Satan was in a meeting with some aristocratic demons.

Rin's POV

I was hugging my blanket around my shoulders to make myself feel safer from the storm outside. What if the lightning could come through the barrier? Not that he doubted his cool and kind father. He's awesome, so are his brothers! But he wouldn't be a able to defend himself against such a thing. He doesn't have powers like his brother. Reika would be safe as long as he covered himself with his blue flames. 'But what do I have? I'm defenseless, weak even. My magic isn't strong enough to make a shield like that yet...'

Just then I jolted up from another rumble but this time it was so loud I had to briefly question myself is you could hear it on the other side of a Gehenna gate! Shortly after multiple thunderbolts hit the barrier near our balcony making the room get illuminated as white as Lucifer-Nii-sama's artificial sun in his room. I jumped up and next to my brother feeling something tickle underneath my own skin. The next thing I hear was a loud shout of my brother which rang in my ears making me jult away from him followed by crying.

I turned to look at him seeing him at first normally but soon noticed that he was holding his arm and I smelled something burnt.

Royal Family's POV

We were all busy doing our own stuff when we heard Reika scream his lungs out. We all immediately excused ourselves and teleported into the twins room. Arriving in the room the first thing they notices were;
The smell of something being burned or better yet grilled rotten,
The sound of thunder and Reika's screams fueled from pain.
They felt a chill go up their spine like a threat to their lives.

Lastly they saw sth red but first looked at the older twin which when they looked closer was holding his arm where a bit of smoke was coming from. Egyn and Satan hurriedly went over to examine Reika's arm which was deep red with some charged skin going deep into the flesh making both older demons surprised and shocked 'How did this happen?'
many questioned before another noise was heard. Hiccuping. They followed the sound while Egyn was cooling off the burn mark with his water powers and froze it over to numb the pain.

What they saw made them widen their eyes so much you had to wonder when you would hear the 'pop'-sound. They took a step back in shock and fear for they saw Rin standing there on the other side of the room close to the bed with some red flicks coming out of him and travelling up his clothes. "Rin.." the demon God said speechlessly before getting brought back to reality by a shaking Reika who was also looking at his younger brother in nothing short of absolute fear. He briefly looked at Reika stopping at the burn marks drawing some assumptions about what could've possibly happened.


Rin took a step closer with teary eyes only to see how they all took a step back, his twin slightly growling/whimpering at him and even their father slightly turning away from him and coating themselves with his blue flames.
"Stay back!" was shouted by none other than Astaroth who looked like he was about to summon a weapon or something. Actually, they all looked like they wanted to do something and Rin was at a loss of what it could be. Iblis too shout-growled "You.. You hurt your own brother! With those accursed flames! You-You monster!"

'.. That was over the top and is not helping' was the somewhat shared thought of the two oldest Baal watching Rin albeit with the same fear as their siblings but also trying to... to keep up with Rin's emotion and were watching him very carefully at the same time. Amaimon was too shocked to even pick up a new lollipop after the previous one not only fell out of his mouth but was also burned by their fathers flames coating them.

Rin in the meantime was looking at his own hands with a shaking vision filled with tears seeing the red flames on him. They didn't hurt him but... *He looked at his Twin*... 'they hurt my brother..' At that thought the flames became brighter, bigger and started spreading across the whole room burning things as they went. Rin's tail was curled around his left leg tightly and slightly shaking.

Satan's first thought was to get his other sons out of there and make sure their were safe. Said son's (5/6 out of 8/9) thought that their youngest brother was attacking them before shouting and yelling soon after to get out of there. Rin tried running after them as they were leaving the room but just as the door closed Satan put a spell on it to ensure that nothing escaped out of it. He didn't want the entire castle alit in Hellfire.

In the end Rin's flames continued to burn everything in the room while his family yells at him to never step outside of it because they fear everything and anywhere he goes/enters will be flooded by his molten red flames. As a result they started to adapt a new opinion of Rin and saw him as a threat and disgrace (-3 who thought something else) for any demon family for attacking them. While he still got food.. He grew up alone, isolated from the world. Without ANYONE to talk to him.

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