11. Fight for a solution

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Satan's POV

*groan* This is a problem. How am I supposed to help my subjects when the cause of their and my sons misery is something that I am unable to influence...?
It doesn't matter how they beg or pray to me or my sons there is little we can do to help. *Sigh* This is a first in my long rule as the God of Gehenna.
... I wonder if the previous King, as abhorrent and bloodthirsty as he was, had any clue or even the faintest idea what to do in this situation.

Hmmm. Maybe I should get a few humans over and let my subjects drink their blood? No that might usually work in dangerous health issues regarding demons but the Hellfire is something you habe to be careful about. Not only is it a demons inner energy source and is a drive for our instincts its what keeps Gehenna alive. It fuels our magic and nourishes the land... sometimes I really wonder why things like that can be such a blessing and a fcking curse at the same time! Damn it!

No matter what we do the problem Nr be dive unless we either find another energy source for all of Gehenna or solve the weakening of our current one we've been using since the beginning of time. ...Time? Maybe Samael can see if a similar issue arose in a parallel world!?


While Satan barged into his second eldests room who was - even on a bed rest probation - still indulging in his hobbies or trying to when getting a Heart attack from 3 of his hearts as his doors where slammed open. "Samael I need you!" said the demonic god until he saw said son with both hands raised in the air with an fingers spread out like a fan arms hearing a sth drop to the ground.
Looking over it was a manga sprawled on the ground with its pages opened in a chaotic mess. While he would have normally laughed at managing to shock or surprise his older sons he had to focus on the task at hand.

.. He will have a laugh over it once the situation has been resolved.

"I, wa... What is going on now Father? Why did you barge in here like Astaroth's ugly hounds are after you again?" said Samael who blinked his shock away and sitting more comfortably on his bed. Satan went over to him "I wanted to ask you to use some of your powers and see if you can find out if a similar dimension to ours has this problem. Try to get in contact with them and exchange tactics"

Samael face literally whined with a groan Escaping from his mouth. He gave his father his best 'I-can't-be-bothered' look that he had regularly seen amongst Assiah teenagers. Satan raised an eyebrow as he had seen that from Yuri a couple times when she talked about her family, Ernst in most cases and her friend Shiro in some others. Mephisto looked at his father in a sideway glance before pinching his nosebridge "Fine.. I'll try to see if I can find anything but I only have so. Much energy left and I don't feel so good so don't expect much."

Giving a nod Satan turned around and left the colour abomination of a room with his sons grumbles as background music. He had different tastes but usually liked hearing about another's misery however this one involves him so..
His beloved son Reika for example likes hearing all kind of music but recently took more of an interest in the ones in Assiah which seem more... 'exciting' as he said. He doesn't know what's so appealing. Isn't it just music with a few words?

Anyway.. He might as well check how his other sons are faring. With that in mind Satan went around to look for each of his sons. Lucifer was for once in his bed sleeping, Azazel was playing computer games but his eyes dropped repeatedly so Satan told him to go sleep. As Satan left the room he could hear the following:
"Sorry guys Satan just said I had to go sleep cuz I was dozing off"
"That so? Well you've been out of it so that explains that. Sleep well you undead ghost!"
"Bwahahaha!", "Well then, sweet dreams!", "Lol lol lol~!"
'Humans? I'm gonna talk to him about that another time...'

Continuing he found Iblis asleep in the training rooms private volcano (which is actually used as a heating source for a jacuzzi) with Egyn pretty much in their gardens fountain looking like a mermaid. He sent both to their beds by letting them disappear with his magic while rubbing/scratching his forehead. He - to no surprise - found Amaimon in his hamsterform on one of the castles trees and Astaroth in the dungeons were the inmates were groaning their day away. He decided to let the inmates get proper meals for their 'sick days' so there won't be a pleage on top of his to-do list. Lastly Beelzebub and his son Reika were in the throne room with the insect king snoozing off on the table with his arms as a pillow and Reika looking outside the balcony.

"Frying your brain for a solution won't help anyone Son" said Satan after making a blanket appear on Beelzebub. Reika turned around looking as tired as everyone but more on the mental side. "Father" he greeted, "It's just.. I can't stand seeing my brothers like that. I fear that they might just disappear from one moment to the next of I don't do something. But... I don't know what that is.." he continued dropping his head in exasperation.

Satan mated him on the shoulder.
"Well find a way. We are Gehenna's royal family after all. It is our duty to help our subjects and take care of the realm. Not to mention stick together in such dire times. However...
     He dug his nails into the
     balconies stone ledge
If those Humans dare to enter again I'm gonna burn them no matter for what reasons they might come" he said in a growl.
A growl of agreement followed shortly from his son Reika. 

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