Chapter Twenty-one

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The check came and we both grabbed it at the same time. He looked at me puzzled, his eyebrow arched as he watched me intently.

Despite the slight nervousness I held onto the check tighter.

"Let me pay", he broke the silence. A slight smile creasing his face.

"Sorry Michael, but that's not going to happen. We both had a great time, I can't let you pay for me, sorry". I pursed my Los and looked at him.

His eyes widened at what I said and he looked me up and down like I had grown two horns. "What do you mean by that? I asked you out in the first place." I don't know if he was hungry. "You can't do this", he was trying to contain himself, "what if this was a date?" I blushed at what he said, I'm very glad he assumed it was or could have been a date.

"Do you consider this a date?" I knew I was changing the topic but it felt good to ease the tension.

"Um-yeah, I guess. I mean a lunch-date kinda", I rarely see him stumble and I couldn't help the smile growing on my face.

"Aww that's so sweet, you're such a romantic", now it was his turn to blush. He chuckled and run his hand through his hair. He looked so cute, slick and very sexy.

My insides were heating up, sparks raging throughout my body, if only he knew what he did to me just by being himself. Someone save me from myself, from this feeling that's driving me crazy.

Then he finally spoke when he composed himself, "don't try to change the topic miss, I know what you're trying to do but the good news is its not going to work, nice try". He came at me with renewed confidence.

I giggled and nodded, "at least you can't deny the fact that it worked for a few minutes". And we were back to him blushing again. I could watch him all day. How could he be cute and charming and all mine.

When he didn't say anything I laughed harder. "Fine I agree, but I still can't let you pay. How about we split the cost?" He finally spoke and truth be told it wasn't such a bad idea.

"See, that's wasn't so hard, was it?" I pinched his cheek with my thumb and index finger and he smiled.

"I know that the bill is not a problem for you Michael, I'm just not used to this. I've taken care of myself for as long as I can remember, please understand". I told him, I felt bad but this was me.

"I'm also not used to this but I'm glad it was you, please let me show you that I care about you, that I love you with everything my heart can give." He placed his hand on mine and squeezed it lightly. "You do know you're kinda weird, right?" he chuckled.

"Oh really, that was the best you could come up with? I was feigning anger.

"I meant a good weird and I can't stop myself from loving it each time we're together." Oh wow, please kiss me already, seal it with a kiss.

"So you wanted to tell me something the next time we met?" He spoke after we settled the bill.

"You remembered?" I thought he forgot but I guess I'm in too deep now.

"Did you think I'd forget, so what is it about. I'm all ears", he said.

"Okay, I wanted to let you know that since dad and Henrietta are finally official and happy I'd want to apply for college. I've saved enough money and I was thinking if you'd help me choose."

"I'm so happy for you, that is like your dream, what do you want to major in?"

"Probably business management", I told him.

"You should go for it, I'd suit you", he said with a smile. A genuine smile.

"Enough of me, you also wanted to discuss something the next time we met", I looked at him suggestively and he grinned.

"I see you also remembered, my parents are celebrating their fiftieth anniversary and are throwing a party on the seventh, would you please do me the honor and be my plus one?"

OMG!! I was going to pass out very soon, he can he do this to me.

"Uh, I don't know what to say, what if they don't like me", I instantly became nervous. They were his parents for peace sake.

"What makes you think they won't likw you? I know they already do, since I told them about you they can't stop asking about you".

"You told them about me? Why would you do that?"

"Did you want me to contain all the happiness I experience alone, I had to share it with someone. You are my light Danny and I want the whole world to see and know how much I love you." The way he said it, he talked about me with so much passion, so much zeal.



"Will you be my plus one?" He looked like he was eager to see what present he got on Christmas day.

"Yes, on one condition."

"Anything, you say it"

"Promise me you'll not leave my side, I'm not so good with crowds", I tell him still nervous.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I don't plan on doing so", he brought my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it.

Throughout the drive home he held my hand and it was very peaceful. I couldn't be more satisfied. This was all I'd ever wanted.

"I had a great time, thank you for the lunch-date kinda. I loved it", I try to stifle my giggles as I remembered what he called our outing.

He stood in front of me in the porch. Barely a feet from me, I could smell his minty breath mixed with his sandalwood cologne that always made me want more of him.

"We should do this again sometime", he leaned into me and whispered into my ear, "I can't get enough of you, if only you know the things you do to me".

When he looked into my eyes, I couldn't take it any more, I held his shirt and pulled him to me, slamming my lips on his. His lips were so soft, he swiped his tongue on my lips and I granted him access. He held the back of my head and held me in place as he continued to devour all the resistance I had. My knees buckled and I felt a pool of warmth form at my lower abdomen. I tugged gently at his hair earning myself a throaty groan. When he moved to kissing my jaw and my neck I held him tighter. Him biting and kissing the spot under my ear was enough to get me moaning and trembling from his touches.

Take me now already, make me yours. I felt something hard and huge press against my abdomen and that knocked me out of feeling I was reeling in.

When we both broke apart for air, he looked like he could rip my clothes if he had the chance, surprisingly it turned me on and I bit my lips. His hand was on the small of my back and my arms were hooked around his neck. I sure could get used to this. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'll you tomorrow beautiful, take care of yourself", he told me and lightly kissed my lips.

"Goodnight tiger, don't miss me too much", I told him and his reaction was priceless.

When I got to my room, striped my clothes and had a quick shower before going to bed. I checked my phone only to see a message from Michael.

What would I do without you. I love you very much, thank you for coming into my life.

I replied him

I love you too Michael. Xoxo

Before I knew it sleep conquered me.

A/N:Thank you so much, I'm sorry for the late update. I'm just going with the vibe, I hope you like it. Please don't forget to vote, I'll also love to know what you think.
Stay safe, till next time.

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