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Dally's POV

"How the hell did they forget their supposed to be working"

"Why are you asking me!?"

"Because your his twin"


I got off the table and sat next to y/n. I wanted to say something, but I wasn't sure what to say. I just sighed.

"Are you ok?" She said with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I was lying, I just didn't want her to ask what was wrong.

"Right, your a terrible liar"

I looked at her in shock. Damn. She started laughing out of nowhere.

"Stop laughing" I was trying not to sound rude, I don't know if that came off as rude though.

"I can't help it" she almost fell off the couch when she said that.

I just stared at her. A few minutes later she stopped laughing. I still wasn't sure what to say. I really wanted her to forgive me. I didn't know how I was going to make it up to her, but right now the best I can do is say sorry again.

"Hey, I'm sorry."

She looked up and me. She seemed confused. I don't know if she remembered what happened.

"You know I never meant to hurt you."

She just stared at me and grabbed my hand.

"It's ok, but you messed up Winston"

"I know I did"

I can't believe it! She actually forgave me! She leaned her head on me and fell asleep. I kissed her head.

"I love you Curtis." I whispered, but she was sound asleep. I don't think she herd. She looked adorable.

Y/n's POV

Right before I fell asleep I herd Dally whisper something.

"I love you Curtis."

I pretended not to hear him.


"What the f*ck Steve! My head still hurts!"

"Sorryyyy, you were sleeping and I wanted you to wake up."

"You couldn't have woke me up like a normal person!?"

"I'm not normal!"

"We know!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Rude!" Steve said jokingly.

"Steve, did you really have to throw a pillow at her head?"

"Yes Darry! It's 6:15! She's been sleeping all day! It's not fairrrr! She gets to sleep all day, but I canttttt"

"Steve! She was hit in the head by a metal pipe!"

"So, what your saying.. if I hit myself in the head with a metal pipe, I'd get to sleep all day?"

"What the f*ck Steve. Soda, what's wrong with your friend?"

"I don't know y/n, I don't know"

"You love me!"

"Eh" everyone said jokingly.

"Hey! You guys don't love me?" He said trying to act sad.

"No no, of course we do" Soda said trying not to laugh.

I turned my head into Dally and started laughing. He put his hand on my back and buried his face in my hair so he could laugh.

"I don't!"


"What? Darry we all know I love Mickey Mouse and only Mickey Mouse!"

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes Johnny, I do have a girlfriend! Why does that matter!"

"Johnny, don't even respond to that" Pony said laughing.

Johnny nodded and went back to laughing.

"Sodaaaaaa! Two-bit doesn't loveeeeee meeeeeee"

Soda was to busy laughing to respond.

"Alright, dinner is ready." Darry said, he was also laughing.

We all had dinner and hung out for the rest of the night.

Two-bit and Steve left to go to a party around 8PM. Johnny left around 10PM. I fell asleep on the couch shortly after Johnny left.


"Y/n wake up"


"Because it's late"

I lifted my head. I herd someone grunt. I realized Dally had fallen asleep as well.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were still here"

He grunted. "Go back to sleep"

"Dally, she has to go to bed, it's like 2 in the morning"

"Darry, why are you still up?"

"I was paying bills. But seriously, you need to get to bed. Mostly because if you don't, Steve will come here in about an hour and chuck a pillow at your head."

"Ugh fine" I started to get up and Dally wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't.

"Dally! She needs to go to bed!" Darry whispered-shout.

"Noooo, she can stay hereeee"

"I'm going to regret this, but you can go with her. Just don't wake Pony or Soda when you walk into the room."

He nodded with a giant smile. I was barley awake. We walked into my bedroom and I crawled into my bed, I didn't bother changing. I fell right back asleep, I didn't even feel Dally crawl into my bed.


"Get up you four."

"Darry what do you mean 'you four'?" Said a sleepy Soda.

"Darry agreed to let Dally sleep in here so I could go to bed"

"I thought I was dreaming"

"Pony you dream about me?" Dally said laughing.

"No I don't!"

Soda and I started laughing with Dally.

"Alright, Get dressed. Dally get out of the room."

"So your telling me, Soda and Pony get to watch but not meee?" Dally said trying to be sad, but ended up laughing.

"I'm going to the bathroom to change idiot" I said getting my clothes out of the drawer.

I walked out my room and Dally followed so Soda and Pony could change. I walked to the bathroom and Dally walked to the couch. I quickly changed and got ready for the day. I walked back to my room and put my stuff away. When I was done breakfast was ready. We all ate breakfast.

Pony headed off to school. Darry headed off to work. Soda and Steve went to the DX. I went with Dally and Two-bit to Bucks. I don't know where Johnny went.

Two-bit was having another hangover, so was Buck. We got to Bucks and Two-bit just laid on the floor next to Buck.

You messed up Winston!Where stories live. Discover now