Chapter 23

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Edd listened as the red heads heart beat seemed to slow and speed up in a timed progression. It was calming to him. There was no real pressure from family or school , only a familiar beating in his ear. The red head was warm too which Edd thought was rather comforting.

The moment the two shared seemed so unreal it was almost as if the world around them had Ceased to exist. But Edd knew better then to invest into that belief. So in his head there began a silent secret battle of "what now's?" And "what if's"

Mean while in Kevin's mind there was a celebration being had as the boy he had loved for so long now was in his arms Whispering things that he didn't think Kevin could hear. He couldn't stop the grin that formed and he'd be lying if he said he had tried to. This perfect moment ...was just that, Perfect. With no one to tell him he needed to be a certain way. Around Edd he didn't need to act, he could just be Kevin. (which was some one who even he himself was barely Acquainted with)

The sockhead-ed boy was the first to speak up, with a lame excuse about unfinished homework he Sped off before Kevin could do anything to stop him. It surprised him really how someone so none athletic could pull such amazing stunts in times of panic.

Kevin grimaced, what could he of possible done this time to cause such a reaction with the dork.

...his dork.

'God that sounds so Clichéd' he thought as he turned to walk back to the culd-A-sac not aware of what was waiting for him when he got home.

He twisted the knob and let himself in, kicking his shoes off he began to ascend the stairs to his messy room when a voice stopped him.

"Was that the girl?" His dad asked. His fathers voice was steady and stern but his eyes seemed...soft and knowing as if he already knew the answer. Kevin hesitated for a minute until he nodded.

"Thought so..." His father nodded back.

Kevin's throat went dry and he felt sick. "" What was he suppose to say, his father wanted him to be a certain way. The jock that brings home the pretty girl and that just wasn't him. He tried so hard for so long to be what his dad wanted but in the end...

"His name is Eddward" Kevin spoke with confidence. He was proud of who he was and though terrified of rejection from his father was not about to Sacrifice that.

His father opened and closed his mouth a few times as if he was trying to figure out just what to say.
"Does he make you happy?" He finally asked.

"Yes ...very." Kevin smiled and nodded as he spoke.

His father let go of the breath he was holding in and smiled "well then ...looks like he's a keeper eh."

Happily shocked Kevin was speechless so his dad spoke for him. "I'm your father and no matter what I'm not going to just leave you!" With one last reassuring nod his father turned to walk back to the den to get back to the football game leaving Kevin to himself at the foot of the stairs.

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