Chapter 16

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As the two pulled into the schools parking lot they heard shouting and the sounds of running foot steps breaking them out of their 'trance'

"What on earth?" Edd said quietly as he strained his neck hoping to get a better view.

"GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKERS!"Seth's voice rung out

"EDDY RUN FASTER!"ed screeched showing fear in his words


Edd watched as his friends ran around the corner of the school, ed far ahead of eddy and seth gaining on them.

"Oh god...Eddy's plan, I forgot to call it off."Edd whispered into Kevin's shoulder his face quickly draining of colour. His comment went unheard however Kevin parked the bike and jumped off just as Seth and his goons came into view. Edd cringed at the sight of his tormenter doing the same.

Edd watched from afar as Seth managed to grab eddys collar sending him flying backwards on to the pavement. Eddy let out as agonizing screech as he attempted to grab his ankle only to be held down. Ed turned and went running back to help only to be brought down as well.

"THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" Kevin hollered over the high pitched less than manly squeals of Seth's laughing henchman. He reached them far faster than Edd.

"Simple were teaching your so called buddy's there place!" Seth responded focusing in on Edd who was jogging to catch up with kevin. Edd picked up his pace as he heard Eddy a look of pure consern scribbled across his face warping his features. He pushed pass kevin and ran directly past seth grabbing the arm of one of his nameless ever changing goons in a weak attempt to pull him off his friend.

"STOP DESIST REFRAIN FROM VIOLENCE!!!" he shouted as he tugged at the larger boy who smirked before letting go of eddy and screaming "OH GOD THE FAG TOUCHED ME!!!"

Edd bit his lip and looked at eddy who was trying to stand nearly in tears as he grabbed his ankle and held it close. He looked as weak as edd normally felt. Eddys usually smirk was gone and he couldnt defend edd anymore. Hell defending edd is what got him into this mess, even going so far as to try to sabotage seths grades so he would be dropped from the football team on numerous occasions. If only Edd had called off the plan, that stupid plan!!! he should have know that it wouldn't work, No matter how much eddy had thought it over it wouldn't work. You can't plan around people because of how unpredictable they can be...and now because of edd ...eddy was hurt...badly.

Edd turned from the group and grabbed the sliver dog tags around his neck. He could hear the boy from the mirror talking to him, telling him that now was the time to stand up for himself...for eddy!!!

"Now" edd whispered still holding tightly to the tags

"Now?" Seth repeated smugly "whats it now" he stepped closer to edd placing a mocking hand on his shoulder "whats the fag gon-" he was cut off by edds fist hitting him squarely in the jaw. He stepped back with his own hand grabbing the stop were he was hit. Edd looked down at his fist slightly shocked at what he was doing."what the fuck?" Seth muttered before edd hit him again this time his nose taking the beating. Eddy looked up from the ground and watched as edd stood over the bent over bully.

"Now is when I stop taking your shit seth!" Edd muttered strangely calm as he kicked seth in the chest a smirk growing on his face. His doppelgänger now fully taking over he felt nothing but anger and hate towards the bully.

"Now is when I hurt you instead" he kicked him again "you know this fun" another kick "I can see now why you do it!"he kicked the football player on more time before bending down to his level and looking him in the eye "hurts doesn't it...being beaten up by a fag!"

Kevin looked on at edd, something in his eyes seemed... Off, he seemed Unlike the normally soft spoken boy who refused to hurt anyone. Hell the boy almost suffered a breakdown trying to break Jimmy's piggy bank. Edd was different like something in him had just snapped and although Kevin was proud that he was finally fighting back he was still some what unsure of how to feel about the beanie wearing boys actions.

Edd grinned before turning to were seths friends realizing they had run off, he stood. He clicked his tongue well looking over the seen slowly Realizing what he had done. His hands went to his hat nervously tugging at it he looked at kevin who stared shocked back at him. He stepped back from Seth who was lying on the ground with his arms wrapped around his sides. He looked at eddy who had stood up and was now leaning against a wall.

"Edd...what was that?"eddy asked while clutching at his ankle.

"His evil dark side eddy." Ed said sounding more like a child then a 17 year old as he stood up from the ground to tend to eddy. As he walked he subconsciously kept his distance from double D which did not help edds current state. The images of a time in middle school when Edd's clumsiness had made him feared throughout the school played through Ed's head. This time it wasn't an accident and that scared the gentle giant.

Edds breathing quickly speed up "that wasn't me ...that wasn't me!" He whispered clinging to his sides. Kevin walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder causing edd to jump and turn "NO I DIDN'T MEAN TO ...I..I just...Eddy I'm sorry!" And with that he took off running, eventually finding himself in the boys washroom were he was yet again greeted by a familiar face

"Hello double D"

"I thought you were gone?"Edd asked as he leaned against the wall with his head in his hands. "You aren't real...and I I listened to you...are you happy now!?"

The doppelgänger gave Edd a toothy grin and began to speak...

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