Chapter 8

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"Fucking fagot"
"Useless waste of space"
"Kill yourself"
"Your so fucking weak"
"What a loser"
Edd looked around there was nothing but voices and darkness ,he seemed to be trapped in a dark void "please stop ...oh dear" edd could feel himself being picked up forcefully, he let out a small gasp as he returned to the ground looking up at kevins smirking face "i knew it" his eyes were opened wide and the sound of his alarm was going off loudly. He sighed"just a nightmare everything is ok". Truth be told edd was not looking forward to school today it meant he would ave to deal with rumours ,the football team and Kevin "oh dear "he muttered quietly before heading downstairs to wake up ed.
"Come on D let's just skip"
"Ed we can't "
"Fine lets take a sick day"
"Too late I called eddy already your stuck man"
Well at least I won't have to deal with the football team today...or Kevin,edd thought to himself

Kevin sat up sluggishly in bed "I wonder if the dork will show up today "he muttered pulling a old green hoodie over his head "I doubt it after last night he'll probably just avoid me"

"No gentle man I wish to go ...I don't want to let them win"edd stood at the door with one hand on the knob and a horrible feeling in his gut, he had to go ,it was school!!!
"Fine fine but were leaving early"eddy stated and walked outside with Ed dragging behind him "oh and lumpys walking you to and from class Kay ,we don't want to see you all broken up again"
"Ok eddy"edd said with a smile witch quickly changed to a face full of worry "oh dear if we don't hurry we'll be late"

Kevin watched from his window ,Ed edd and eddy walking down the street towards school making overly animated hand gestures and laughing at some Unspecified thing. Kevin jumped on his bike and took off, passing them he saw edd smile and felt butterfly's take over his stomach "this has got to stop"he muttered under his breath. As he speed on he couldn't help but wonder why edd?,
why didn't he like him back?
was he straight?
Even if edd was gay why would he possibly like him back after the years of bullying?
Why didn't he stand up for him?
What would I tell my father?
why was he this way?
why couldn't he just be straight? He let out a deep breath as he pulled into the school parking lot feeling so much worse then before.

By the time lunch had come around double d was feeling a little more confident over his decision to go to school, so far so good he thought to himself as he ran to go meet up with ed ,as he rounded the corner colliding with 4 familiar faces he did not want to see. They were the Members of the football team from the day before (and the day before, and the day before and so on and so forth)
"Pardon gentleman I ,I apologize ....for uh"he shuttered out only to have one of the boys shove him to the ground.

"Hello fag ,how funny we were just talking about you" the tallest one sang out with a sarcastic smirk tangled on his lips

"R R Really w well I'm sure that you uh "before he could finish he felt some one lift him up ,looking back to find none other than Ed and eddy

"Lay off "eddy stated through clenched teeth earning him a swift hit to the face

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