Chapter 17

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"I'm your sub-conscious can't just choose to get rid of me Edd... I come around when you get sad or angry and I attempt to help you make the right choice" he tilted his head to the side looking edd up and down "making you fight back is part of my job as a part of you ...I have to keep us safe."

"But last night... "

"Edd I'm your subconscious you can choose to do the opposite of what I say but you can never get rid of me fully." he looked over edd tilting his head and allowing the sleeve of his gray hoodie to slightly slip down his arm exposing the shoulder of his red tee-shirt. "And besides you saw what happened to eddy ...they can't fight your battles forever."

"I did what you said "Edd responded grabbing at his hat once more.

"Yes you do you feel?" The tall figure straightened up.

"I dont feel like myself" edd said as he slide down the wall sitting on the bathroom floor ignoring the thousands of germs that lingered there. " it felt like someone else took over!"

The taller boy gave Edd a sympathetic smile "Do you feel any better?"

"Yes ...and no"

"Well then I guess I'm right and wrong, I do find it funny however that you'll allow yourself to be beaten to a pulp but the second your friends are the ones in danger fight back."the mirror smirked.

"I...I just.."

"You did the right thing Edd, just think about all the trouble eddy has gone through for you...this really was the least you could do..."he trailed off.

"But that wasn't me I wasn't in control!!!" Edd stated quietly.

The figure looked towards the bathroom door as the sounds of footsteps could be heard on the other side "time to go" he shrugged waving at Edd "see you next time kiddo"

The door opened and seconds later Edd felt arms around him, but surprisingly he didn't cry he just sat there feeling numb before removing the unknown persons arms from him "I would like to be alone" he stated with little to no emotion.

"Edd what happened?" Kevin asked attempting not to show that he was hurt by the rejection.

"How bad is Eddy's leg?" Edd changed the subject as he stood.

" can ask him that yourself."

Edd let out a hollow laugh "if it wasn't for him defending me he ...he wouldn't be hurt"
"Edd ...that's not ..." Kevin again wrapped his arms around the small boy who didn't remove them this time "that's not what happened"
Yes it is, Edd thought, if it wasn't for eddy trying to get Seth expelled by planting something incriminating in his locker he wouldn't be hurt...if it wasn't for eddy and ed defending him they wouldn't get picked on to.

"This might seem a bit strange to ask but...what did I do?"

"Well from what I watched you kicked one of peach creeks best defence men's ass...from what the nurse said however you broke his nose."Kevin pulled away from Edd just enough to see his face however still keeping his arms around him."I thought it was pretty cool!" He smirked to which Edd replied with a small smile only to have it fall almost instantly.

"But I-"

"He deserved it Edd, don't let it bring you down!" Kevin began to usher double D out of the bathroom, Edd looked back catching his reflection in the mirror once more. His reflection winked causing Edd to cling a little tighter to Kevin. His stomach turned and the guilty feeling came back as they neared the nurses office what was he going to tell eddy?

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