Life and Decay

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"Somebody told me once...That if you stand still in the forest long enough, you'll see signs of a hidden struggle.

Raging between forces of life and decay.

That the survival of the forest itself depends on the outcome.

And that the good guys need all the help they can get.

And that if you don't believe it, take a look.

And if you don't,

look closer."

Deep into the forest, a man tore his way through the dark foliage--leaves and underbrush crunching under the force of his body.

Nearly tripping over himself as he sped between the trees, he fumbled frantically with his homemade gear; clanking away loud enough that you could hear it a mile away.

Bomba (whose name you would eventually learn) leaned forward, radio in hand, squinting at the birds chirping above him. Flicking a couple of successive eyeglass mirrors attached to his helmet, he narrowed his gaze, inhaling through his teeth as he watched the birds nip at each other, attacking without a moment of hesitation.

He watched in shock as a blur of green zipped between them before the bird took a hit hard enough to send it flying to the ground. Bomba stepped forward realizing that it struggled desperately to restabilize itself, diving to the ground and catching it in the cup of his hands barely nicking it before it collided with the forest floor.

The violent squawking of birds echoed above him as he looked over the hummingbird that thrummed in his palms, gasping when he turned it over slowly and saw a small, intricate, riding saddle neatly placed onto the back of the bird.


First pov

High up in the branches, I gripped onto the reins of my hummingbird, tight enough to whiten the tips of my knuckles. The crows hot on my heels squawked incessantly, their own riders making disgustingly violent gurgling noises that would have anyone shuddering.

Today, I will admit, was not going as wonderful as I thought it would. Perhaps I should've had a cup of tea today, or maybe a decently sized blueberry for breakfast. 'Too late now,'  I sighed, unnerved at the unfortunate turn of events.

Turning my head back I let out an embarrassingly loud yelp, wide-eyed and flinching- borderline panicking actually when I came face to face with a couple of very ugly, but very sharpened bone arrows, menacingly aimed towards my precious organs- and limbs I'd assume- several things I'd very much like to keep, thank you.

Taking the warrior cry behind me as a warning sign, I whipped the reins to go faster and failed to notice the person dangling from a thin branch, speeding past them before taking note that the arrows that had been pointed at me moments before were now on a down arch a good couple of feet to my left. Raising a brow at the suspiciously horrible aim, I looked over my shoulder only to notice a struggling leaf man, lacking not only his bird but anything synonymous with a weapon.

Currently, there is only one person I know like that.

'For the Queen's sake-' "Nod!"

Shaking my head, I slowed enough to make a sharp u-turn, diving towards the man who had very good odds of being used as successful target practice this morning; I winced as one arrow shot past him, knocking his balance before the strength of his grip failed him and he tumbled into free fall.

I hissed sympathetically, watching as he repeatedly hit branch after branch, grunting loud enough to alert the rest of the guard, as well as most of the boggins in the area. I snorted, watching him flail with each knock, before landing on a thick enough branch to grip with two arms and half a leg. I lowered myself with ease and proficiency, coming face to face with a sheepish Nod, grinning cheekily as he acknowledged my presence.

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