The Pod Ceremony

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Happy Holidays lol.

First POV

Flying had always been a joy of mine, the whole classic wind in my hair, adrenaline pumping, breath of fresh air kind of joy. It was something that told me becoming a leaf warrior would be worth my time.

Carrying my sister on a boat to her possible death? That was very much above my pay grade. Not that I actually got paid.

Needless to say, while the ambience of the whole ordeal was turning out to be incredibly beautiful and the dress looked absolutely fabulous on her, the hairs on the back of my neck continued to prickle apprehensively, and I had the slightest urge to either throw up or pick up my sister and run straight back to Moonhaven.

Glancing around, the crowd seemed to be completely oblivious to the possible dangers that lurked on the borders of the forest, overtaken by a sea of joyous cheers and cries as we flew over the water, gliding gracefully in perfect formation, and allowing the boat to unfurl into a mass of lily pads. I glanced over my shoulder, receiving several looks my way, all well aware that the ceremony would seldom go uninterrupted.

The way Ronin kept a tense hand on the hilt his sheathed sword told me just what it needed to.

Sometimes, the hard-ass was obvious...not in the sense that he was overly expressive in any way, but when it came to Tara, it was as emotionally obvious as Ronin could get. From the corner of my eye I could see Tara walking towards the pods, an ideal symbol for the forest as small leaves came to gather to offer her a path through the water.

Feeling my nerves tingle, I barely noticed the way my fingers subconsciously tapped repeatedly at the shelf of my bow, tapping in concession with the steps of the Queen, watching carefully as the flowers uncurled at her very presence.


Spirits, I wish Nod was here.


Ronin looks distracted, does he look distracted?


Finn- Finn looks way too tired, did he sleep last night?


Spirits, I wish No-


I whipped my head towards her voice, sharply eyeing the interaction between Tara and the two mollusca as they pushed and shoved each other. I hadn't even noticed the distance the Queen managed to cross in such a short amount of time.

Huh, okay, so maybe I'm the distracted one

"Hello, ehem, your majesty." They both smiled, and Tara returned the favor, leaning forward to hear them better.

"It's alright," She grinned, looking around the the baby pods, "Relax, it's just me. Mub, Grub, its a very nice-looking group of pods," She paused, turning back to the two, "Do you two have a favorite?"

At that, the two grinned proudly, once again butting heads as they gave the Queen their brightest smiles, "Well, your Majesty, we've had quite the debate," Mub (or Grub) started, the other interrupting readily when he finished, "Really gone back and forth," Grub added, "You'll notice the selections of colors, sizes, and densities- with so many variables you can't be too hasty,"

I grinned at the interaction, endeared by the two characters and the pride they held for their pods.

"Boom!" One of them immediately reached back, only to slam the biggest and reddest pod I had ever seen in my entire life (which, I could say is quite limited, but still holds its weight in being the biggest.), it was nearly half the size of the slug himself, reaching well past the knees of the Queen. I snorted...before choking at the sudden glare I received from Ronin.

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