The path to Nim Galuu

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(A/n: sup)


The trek to Nim Galuu was exceedingly slower than anticipated. Even with the slightly larger group, we had to reroute several times in fear of coming across another ambush, this time severely underprepared for another attack.

MK was still a little disoriented after hitting her head, but by nightfall, she seemed to be coming out of her stupor. I, on the other hand, seemed to grow more fretful the more we waited around, inching slowly towards Nim Galuu's.

I groaned, feeling the pain in my arm flare as I dropped my load of dry wood in front of the small I campfire we had started. An hour earlier, Ronin had spotted a small, hidden enclave we could rest for the time being, everyone being a little more than weary after the mouse ordeal. The forest knows just how much I needed it, with Nod whining in my ear the entire ride, and Ronin's cutthroat attitude as we dove in between forest branches.

Ronin continued fixing the saddles, the bird feeding off of some seeds we managed to find on the forest floor. I heard Nod before I could see him, his clumsy form having dropped multiple branches in a scattered mess at his feet.

"I don't know why you won't just let me do this by myself. You need rest, Princess." He placed his wood on top of my pile and I cringed at the loud clunking sound they made. I rolled out my shoulder, before turning to the latter. "That's because it would take more than an hour for you to gather wood, seeing how often you've managed to drop branches." I picked up a fallen branch, biting my lip when my bad arm twitched violently, "This way it's easier on all of us."

Nod sighed deeply, before tossing a couple of branches into the fire, keeping it alive with a couple of strokes with an old piece of petrified wood he had found. He adjusted the small pot full of soup hanging above the fire and focused on the meal that was simmering under his care.

His eyes seemed to wander, and I noticed with some bitterness that they seemed to linger a little too long on MK's sleeping form, her light snoring echoing through the small cave. I moved to sit down next to him, a small wooden log propping myself up like a makeshift chair. "So...MK?" I started, albeit awkwardly, given the way Nod only gave me a bewildered look.

"Uhhh, yeah she's...nice." He said vaguely. I rose a brow, "Just nice?" Nod shrugged weakly, "Yeah...nice."

A shroud of silence fell over us then, neither of us making a move to speak despite being mere inches from one another. On multiple occasions, I tried opening my mouth, before closing them; the beginnings of questions and inquiries fell short and came out as weak, inessential sounds that caught Nod's attention regardless.

It wasn't until Ronin was placing a sleeping Mub and a barely conscious Grub across from us, did both of us break out of the glass bubble that had formed around us. The older man gave us both scrutinizing glares before adjusting the sword at his hip and gesturing to the cave entrance with a thumb. "I'm going to go on patrol and look for some food. Stay here." He made his way out, and like it was a fleeting thought, Ronin paused. "And (Y/n)'s in charge. Don't do anything dumb....or at least anything that may burn this place down." and he was gone.

A minute passed after Ronin had left before I jumped from my seat, "Yes!" I laughed, flicking a haughty pointer finger in Nod's face, "You hear that? I'm in charge." My cheeks were puffed with pride as I re-seated myself next to Nod's pouting form. He mumbled something unintelligible and I leaned forward, cupping my ear, "Hmm, what was that?"

Nod rolled his eyes, "I'm just saying, seeing as how I saved both you and MK not even five hours ago, you would think I would be the more obvious choice here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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