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Annoyed. Annoyed at Nod, annoyed at Mandrake, annoyed at the stupid little tear in my quiver, that mushroom over there was particularly-

"Princess," Ronin called, I noted how it sounded farther away than usual.

"I'm not a Princess," I muttered under my breath, but most of the bite in the remark was absent.

"What was that?" He asked, giving me a slight of the brow, looking down his nose at me. I angled my head towards the base of Moonhaven with a slightly higher raised head, before turning to the General with what I hoped exemplified as an air of coolness.

"Nothing of concern, General."

"Uh-huh," he trailed off, giving me a very skeptical look but easing up slightly as he took in the sight of our approach to Moonhaven. His stare lasted longer than a beat and I wholeheartedly understood, Moonhaven nearly glowed in the early morning light. It was something bordering on ethereal- but as I watched the look on his face grow into something else entirely, part of me realized that perhaps the look wasn't due to aesthetics alone.

Giving me a slightly turned head he eyed me from the corner of his eyes, "By the way, I don't appreciate the lack of focus while we're traveling. I called your name five times," A pause. "Consecutively."



I looked up, sighing through my nose, unintentionally gripping my reins a little tighter. I hoped he didn't take it as a form of some unorthodox insubordination- "I hope you know," he stated, "That if you ever voice your thoughts, you can do so to me."

I stared at him, "Of course, General." and with that our group flew up the stream's cliff and led our hummingbirds over the surrounding forest. The dandelions, I noted, were especially 'fluffier' this morning, as if they themselves were aware of the upcoming celebrations.

Hearing a girl call out to her mother, I turned my head, giving her a tilt of acknowledgment and upturning the corner of my lips when I heard her gasp to her mother going "did you see! did you see!", before tugging on her mother's dress and re-enacting the hummingbirds, arms held out at her sides and zooming away. I smiled, watching the increasingly innocent act, something that was rare and appreciated during a stressful time like this. I trailed steadily behind Ronin after that, Nod taking a backseat in my mind for the time being.

However, with Nod being Nod, the small nagging voice in my brain never truly ceased.

Landing on the platform at the entrance of Moonhaven, I slipped from the saddle with ease, landing on the rock flooring on two feet. Following behind the General as he strode into the crack between the mound of rocks that formed the headquarters, I made sure my spine was straighter and my spine at least a bit taller than it was when I rolled out of bed. 'No slouching for this leaf warrior,' I mused.

The ferns and vines acting as a make-shift door opened up for us with a resolution, welcoming us back like it had a hundred times over. Barely waiting for the plants to unfurl fully, Ronin made his way into the corridor a fierce determination on his features.

Following after him step by step, I looked around with admiration as always, taking in the vast amount of towering flora and fauna that surrounded us on all sides, simply breathing in what was a perfect microcosm for the life in the forest.

The Queen herself did everything that not one single one of us could- keep it alive. It was the glowing greens, purples, and yellows, and the rays of sunlight that beamed in through the ceiling that only made it that much more impressive.

Terrifying or beautiful? I'd never know. Though from the budding roses I'll take my bet on the latter.

"I'll stay here, General," I offered, slowing to a stop and watching as Ronin gave me a confused glance, before removing his helmet and shifting it to the crook of his elbow.

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