Mary Katherine

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At the uncertainty in her voice I narrowed my gaze, examining her disheveled appearance and the way she awkwardly stood, the pod a stark contrast against the image she displayed. The throbbing in my arm was dulled now.

I poked her in the arm, eliciting a yelp from the mysterious girl. I still hadn't had the chance to ask why she was here, suspiciously coinciding at the exact same time Tara died.

Tara...dead. I- No, you can't start thinking about that now.

I turned to Ronin, watching carefully as Finn laid a hand on his shoulder, before he stood from the dark patch of decay, following his movements as the older man made his way towards... MK, was it? with heavy footsteps and a terse mouth.

She stared at him, a solemn look on her face as her gaze flickered from him to the dark patch.

"I'm so sorry."

"What did she tell you?" He asked, not unkindly, but I could hear the stress that was strung through his words. Just the way his gaze fell made my heart squeeze uncomfortably as I tried to avoid the heaviness of the reality that started to seep into my mind.

At Ronin's question MK fumbled slightly, holding the pod closer to her chest as her eyes looked around.

"Uh...something about glue? Or....a canoe?"

"Nim Galuu," I said, speaking up finally about something other than MK's sudden appearance.

"The scroll keeper," Finn noted.

Ronin nodded, meeting my gaze for a moment before turning to Finn.

"We don't know anything about the pod without Tara. Maybe he does."

"It makes sense, Nim Galuu's records are undisputable. If anything he might be our only chance." I conceded.

At this point MK was flickering her gaze between Ronin and I, clearly confused and lost in our conversation.

"Take the leafwarriors back to Moonhaven. Fortify it. Keep everyone safe." Finn frowned at the order.

"What about you?" He asked, and I could feel Ronin's gaze fall on me and then the pod before he spoke up once more. "Mandrake will be looking for this pod, but he won't be looking for a leafman traveling alone."

"That's not what I meant," Finn stated, just under a whisper as Ronin patted his shoulder, offering a wry, sad smile, "I know what you meant."

Finn walked over to me, hesitating to touch me, before he pulled me into a hug, whispering in my ear a small "Sorry," before making his way to the group, I almost burst into tears right then and there.

Ronin walked off towards MK, the rest of the Leafwarriors taking that as their cue to leave. "I'll send word when I reach Nim's."

"-Who are you people? Is this some sort of re-enactment? or some-" MK asked, watching as the leafwarriors ran off, leaving her searching around the clearing, "..."

Her eyes trailed after the bee as it flew by.

"That's...a big bug."

"No, it's about average actually." I said, watching as it flew out of view. Ronin turned his gaze towards me, "What are you still doing here cadet?"

At that I sweat dropped, offering a sheepish smile, "I am...coming with you."


"Ronin, I'm aware how it sounds, but-"

"I promised your sister I would keep you safe, I am not breaking my promise, not now, not ever."

"I'd be safe with you and you know that." His back was turned to me now, and I pleaded, grabbing on to his shoulder forcing him to face me. "Please, if anything, let me do this for my sister, if I couldn't protect her or save her, despite how much she's done for me- just, at least let me help the one other thing she cared about."

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