Cute Murderous Mousey

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So Nod, fortunately for him, did not in fact get roped with Mub and Grub.

Mainly because Mub threatened to and I quote 'strangle him with all the dexterity his eyeballs could muster.'

Obviously, Ronin with his rapidly thinning patience sucked it up and took the two Mollusca on his own hummingbird, giving Nod a sharp look while he helped me on the back of the hummingbird. "Do not drop them. You do, and the whole lot of us are screwed."

And that's how MK and I ended up stuck with Mr. Independent..Mr. Cassanova, Mr. Lead-me-on, the list could go on and on, and I'd never lose subject material.

MK, for the most part, was stuck in between the two of us, with me acting as an honorary third wheel on a romantic flight between my best friend and someone I met just a couple of hours prior.

The road trip of my life, honestly.

In front of me, I had a perfectly clear view of both Nod and MK, watching dutifully as she struggled to stay upright without grabbing onto Nod or me. I rose an eyebrow, watching in mild concern and amusement as she continued to rock back and forth, looking almost like an awkward blade of grass struggling under the force of a slight breeze. MK then turned to Nod, who I now just noticed, was failing to actually look at where we were heading, instead choosing to stare at MK with an almost curious look.

The palm on my uninjured arm had no trouble hitting its mark on my face.

MK nervously glanced back at me and then glanced down at my arm, as if she was completely willing to let me take over the driving despite my 'out of commission' status. I simply gave her a weak smile.

I turned to Nod, "Nod, do you mind, oh, I don't know...watching where you're going?" He rolled his eyes, a grin playing on his lips. "Oh, Princess, as caring as ever. Are you perhaps worried about me and my well-being?"

I deadpanned. "Not in the slightest."

I gestured a hand to MK, "However, I am concerned for our guest over here, who, I must note isn't used to bird-flying yet."

At my comment Nod lit up, looking straight at MK now, causing her to lean back in apprehension, "Are you serious? Well, we have to fix that!" She blanched in record time, stuttering for a moment, panicked, "Uh-well, I don't-"

"Here, put your arms around me." My eyes narrowed at the suggestion, previously neutral features pulling into something like disgust.

I groaned, 'Just toss me off this damned bird at this point.' I glanced at the sizeable height between me and the ground, 'Yeah, I could make it if I really believed in myself.'

MK didn't seem all that enthusiastic either, giving him an unamused stare, "I just met you." Nod chuckled at that, glancing back at her, "Okay," He grinned that annoying grin once more, "But you're going to want to hold onto something."

He reared the bird back with a firm tug upwards, making the bird open its wings further.

"Nod- N-" I blanched, but my voice was drowned out by the sudden rush of wind past our ears, and I could only barely grasp onto MK's sweatshirt before we were soaring upwards and then nose-diving towards the ground.

At this point, I couldn't tell who was screaming and who wasn't, but the wind was whipping past my ears violently now, and I could barely see at the speed we were aiming for the ground. Tears gathered at the corner of my eyes at the force of the wind, and my fingers around MK's shirt were cramping up slightly. And for the first time in my life, I felt a little scared. 

"Nod!" I heard a blood-curling scream that I knew belonged to me.

When he finally pulled up and got us back to flying on a steady path, both I and MK were gasping for breath, the girl in between us glaring at Nod's head, "What is wrong with you?"

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