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Chapter 1

It was a ordinary day, y/n is walking back to her dorm room after a long day of classes

"Ugh I'm so tired but I need to study for this exam I have tomorrow" y/n said

As you start working on studying your best friend Yimir walks into the room "yo y/n you tryna go to jeans party tonight?" Yimir says

"Uh I really have to study for my exam tonight, I would but Im not really up for a party tonight.."y/n says

"Oh come on, you never come to any parties! Just this once please please come!" Yimir says starting to annoy you.

Ugh fine Yimir I'll go but if I fail this exam tomorrow I'm kicking your ass! Y/n says

"Oh really? Pfftt in your dreams loser! Anyways ima start getting ready, you should too I have some good outfits you can borrow." Yimir says

"Alright fine" y/n says

They both start getting ready for jeans party ..

A few hours later they are ready to go and start driving to jeans party..

"So yimir who else is going to the party?" Y/n says

"Connie, Sasha, Historia, Eren, Hanji, Armin, Falco, Peick, Annie, Riener and Yelena and some of Jeans friends" Yimir says

"Yelena? Who is that, does she go to our school?" Y/n says

"Nah, she goes to a college not to far from here." Yimir says

"Ohh that's cool" y/n says

They arrive to the party a few minutes later

As you and Yimir walk into the party you see a tall blonde haired girl that has a undercut and that looks about 6'7

"Wow, she is really tall.." you say to Yimir

"Yup she's hot isn't she, that's Yelena you should go talk to her" Yimir says

"Eh I'm just gonna go grab a drink." You respond back to Yimir..

As y/n walks to go grab a drink they hears footsteps coming from behind them. Y/n turns around and sees a tall figure and then looks up at Yelena

"What's up y/n, I'll buy that drink for you." Yelena says

"Oh no it's okay! And how do you know my name ?" You respond to Yelena

"Jean told me about you, I wanted to meet you myself.. by the way I like the outfit" Yelena says

"Oh haha thank you.. "Y/n you analyze Yelena you can smell a small scent of weed coming off of her and her eyes look droopy and red and you see she's wearing a half unbuttoned tuxedo and nice shoes, hm you think to yourself "she looks kinda hot, I've never felt this way about a girl before?"

"No problem babe, anyways I'll see you around you gonna join us for spin the bottle later?" Yelena says

"Yeah sure, cya" You say back to Yelena

You start to walk back to Yimir with your drink..

Yimir sees y/n walking back over to her
"Yo what's up y/n did you meet Yelena?" Yimir says

"Yeah I did, she's really nice she told me to play spin the bottle with them later so I said I'd play because why not. " y/n says

"Oh that's wassup" Yimir says hanging all over Historia already drunk.

"Oh I think they are playing spin the bottle now I'm gonna head over there , cya Yimir don't have to much fun.. haha" You say to Yimir

As you walk over to the group of people sitting around the bottle you see Yelena pat the open seat next to her as a sign for you to sit next to her...

You take the sign and go sit next to Yelena.

The people in the group start to play and spin the bottle and as it goes on it's finally time for you to spin the bottle.

You spin the bottle and then the next thing you know it lands on Yelena!

"Time for you guys to go into the closet for 7 Minutes in Heaven!" Sasha says coming out of the closet with Connie.

"Oh? alright, you ready y/n?" Yelena says

"Y-yeah.." you say stuttering a bit

As you and Yelena walk into the closet you can see Yelena glance over at you time to time, you feel a little nervous and you never get like this, you thought for yourself..

You and Yelena are in the closet now, you think to yourself "what did I get myself into" as you see Yelena smirking at you..

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