Dorm room

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Chapter 3

"Ugh yimir I'm so hungover from last night I'm literally gonna kill youuu.." y/n says to Yimir

"Aye aye , your the one who decided to go also how did your exam go" Yimir responded

"It was good but I had to stay up all night to study for it so yeah I didn't get much sleep." You said to Yimir

Y/n thought to herself "But in reality I was thinking about what happened with Yelena and how good it was.."

"Well I'll cya later Yimir, I gotta go to the computer lab to get my computer fixed." Y/n said

"Alright bye bitchh" Yimir said

As you walk to the computer lab you just can't get Yelena off your mind, your not the type to chase people at all but she was just.. different

As you get your computer fixed you sit down and start to read a book while waiting for it to be done..

You hear a quiet voice come from behind you say "hey, pretty girl, whatcha doin here all alone?"

You look back and it was Yelena.

"Hey Yelena, why are you here?" You respond

"I just stopped by to see a friend, why are you here" Yelena says in a jokingly low voice

"I'm getting my computer fixed" y/n smiled back at her

As you looked Yelena up and down you realized how good she smelt, she smelt like a good boys cologne with a hint of weed and it was really really attractive..

"So, I never got your number, if your down you tryna hang tonight? I'm not doin anything later so if you want just text me babe." Yelena says while writing down her number on a piece of paper

"Okay, for sure I'll cya later" y/n says

A few mintues later your computer was fixed, and after that conversation with Yelena you realized she was probably coming to your dorm tonight.. so you went straight back to take a shower and get ready

After you got back to your dorm you took a nap for a hour or two...

Then you got woken up from the sound of Yimir walking into the dorm.

"Hey bitchh wake up jeans having another party!" Yimir screamed

"Okay this time I really can't go Yimir" y/n said

Whyyy? Yimir said in a sad voice

"I acually might have plans with Yelena later, and she said she can come by my dorm so.." you responded back to Yimir

"Ohh.. OHHH so y'all finna be gettin it tonight!" Yimir said

"YIMIRRR STOPPP" you said laughing

"Haha okay well y/n don't have to much fun tonight" Yimir said winking at you in a jokingly way

"Alright I'm gonna start getting ready I'll see you later Yimir, love you bitchh" y/n said

A few hours later you fineally decided to text Yelena..

"Hey, so if you want you could swing by my dorm and we could hang out! Yimir is going out for a party so I thought I'd invite you over." You texted Yelena

Yelena responded a few minutes later and said "yeah for sure, I'll be there in 20"

"Oh shit, I need to get ready fast then!" You said

After you got ready you got another text from Yelena that said "Hey, I'm on my way to the dorm."

You respond back with "do you need me to show you where it is? I can meet you out in the front."

Yelena responded with "Nah it's all good I know my way around here, I'll be at your dorm in 5."

"Oh? Okay, well I guess I'll just wait here until she gets here" You say with butterfly's in your stomach all nervous waiting to see what's going to happen tonight..

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