Ten | Stockholm Syndrome

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Your POV

My head pounds as my eyes open. I look around confused and remember what happened. I try to sit up but something pulls my head back. 

I bring my hands up to my neck and feel the cold metal cuff. I feel tears beginning to slip down my cheeks. 

"O-Oh god..." I look down and see that whoever took me changed me too. Suddenly I hear footsteps and the door opens.

The same man from the grave yard walking in holding a tray and beside him was Angel who jumped onto the bed.

I quickly grabbed her and pulled her against my chest and pulled my knees up to protect us both. "Y-You!" I squeak.

"Hello, princess. I'm so glad you agreed to meet." He set the tray down on a bedside table and then sat down beside me.

I sit still in shock. Hizashi Yamada was Reverb. He was playing me the entire time. "Y-You bastard!" I scream and slap him across the face.

My palm stung and Hizashi's face snapped downwards from my hit. He slowly looked up at me and... smiled?

"It's okay, princess. I know that your scared and confused. I'll explain after you eat, okay?" He asked softly. 

It was hard to believe that this man was a cold blooded serial killer the way he smiled and spoke, the way his eyes where shinning with love but there was something darker hidden in them.

"I'm not eating anything. I want to go home. Please I won't tell anyone about this!" I beg and hold Angel closer to my chest.

"This is your home now, princess. You need to eat. Please don't make me force you." I whimper at the change of voice and look in his eyes.

They were cold and dark now, not a speck of the love from before. "I-I'm sorry. I'll e-eat I promise." I squeak. 

I watch as his hand moved towards me and began to freak out. I try to crawl away but the collar wouldn't let me move to far.

I look back and realize that he is smirking. "Don't try to run from me, princess. I don't want to have to punish you this early." He spoke warmly but his eyes held evil.

I sit back down and let his hand touch my cheek. I flinched and his eyes seemed to show sadness at this. 

"I won't hurt you as long as you behave, princess. Please don't flinch away, okay?" He asked, the love returning to his eyes.

I nod silently and he pulled his hand away and placed the tray on my lap. There is a sandwich with a pickle on the side and some chips.

I slowly pick up the drink and look up at him. "Go ahead princess." He smiled. I lower the cup slightly before bringing to my lips and taking a sip It tasted like lemonade but with a funny after taste.

I was to scared to say anything so I just set it down and began eating the food. "Do you want to watch some T.V, princess? Maybe a movie?" He asked.

I nod and take a bite of my sandwich. He smiled and turned on a big flat screen T.V that was on the wall in front of the bed.

Hizashi turned on Ugly Dolls which is my favorite movie. How did he know that? Oh god he was probably stalking me. I whimper at the thought.

He put the remote down and crawled into the bed beside me. "What's wrong princess? Don't you like this movie?" He asked gently.

"A-Are you going to kill me?" I ask fearfully and stop eating. His face fell and he picked up my now empty tray beside the empty cup and plate and placed it on the bedside table beside him.

I yelp as his arms wrap around my waist and I am pulled onto his lap. He rests one of his hands on my thigh and the other around my tummy.

"I will NEVER, harm you in anyway princess. Even if you misbehave your punishments will not hurt to bad. You might be spanked or loose food privileges, but I will never hurt or kill you. Do you understand me?" His voice was stern.

I quickly nod and try to pull away from him but he holds me against him and buries his face into my hair. "Your MINE, princess. I am never letting you go." He whispered into my ear before kissing bellow it.

I stay still instead of fighting against it. What is wrong with me!? Why do I want this? No, I don't. I'm just letting him so he doesn't hurt me. Yeah, that's it.

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