well hi :D

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Hey guys I haven't updated this in nearly a year as it was the start of lockdown and I lost all motivation! If by the slim chance you still have this in your library or are just reading through please let me know if you'd like me to update!

Updates hopefully would be written better than last year as a lot has changed! I discovered myself more and came out as BI and I now also have a girlfriend so if anyone wants and wlw imagines please let me know as I'd feel more than comfortable writing them now as i know what it's like!

Any syd x stan or syd x male oc is off the cards I'm afraid as cannonly she's a lesbian in the series and that would be lesbian erasure towards her character! But if you have any suggestions or requests on what to write please let me know!! I hope you're all surviving lockdown/covid an I hope you're all okay! My dms are also always open if you need any support or are feeling down! 

- oli x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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