comfort- stanley barber

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a/n- this one is quite short as it is my first ever imagine also might be a bit bad as i ran out of ideas close to the end <3

word count: 845

"Why don't we just hang out at mine and erm... cuddle, listen to Bloodwitch, have a chill out night? besides it's getting kind of late anyway." Stan asked as he picked you up for what you thought was date night, but he clearly had other plans.

"Sure, why not I don't see any problem." you replied with slight concern and worry raising in your voice, this wasn't like Stan. He never wants to cancel date nights, he loved going out to Fiddles Diner down the bottom of the street every Thursday night after school and even when he was throwing up the night before he'd still make sure to pick you up at 6 on the dot even if you protested against it.

You ran upstairs to your room and threw on your grey joggers and sweatshirt, then ran back down to meet Stan in the car. The ride was silent, not the usual comfortable silence, the awkward silence, which led to you believe something was up with him. Even though the ride was only five minuets it felt like hours, the silence was unbearable and only the sound you could hear was fly by Bloodwitch playing quietly as you drove down the road. Finally you pulled up outside Stan's house and walked through the front room, which had a smashed beer bottle lying on the floor, down the stairs to the room you knew very well to be Stan's.

The room smelt of weed and tension was still lingering through the air, until Stan spoke up and looked at you "Which vinyl shall I put on?..." but that wasn't the thing you were focusing on, for the first time that night you had clearly seen his face, there was dried blood just under his eye, and a black eye started to form. By putting 2 and 2 together you could instantly tell this had something to do with the beer bottle on the floor upstairs and also the reason the date was cancelled.

"never mind the vinyl, what happened to your face? Stan we've been dating for almost a year, I thought we said no more secrets, if this was the reason you cancelled our date you should of just rang me and I would of been right over." you stepped closer to him to get a better look at his face just shortly after pulling him into a hug. He collapsed into you arms and the slight sound of sniffling could be heard, his head buried into your neck to try and blank out the sound of his crying but it was no use. The tears just kept on spilling. You walked him over to the sofa and sat him down, you sat next to him and pulled him into your side to which he then let everything out. It took about 15 minuets for him to fully relax but as long as he was calmer that's all that mattered.

There was silence but this time it was comfortable, something you didn't mind being sat in while you were just staring out of the window, with Stan cuddled up to your side. Suddenly he spoke up after half an hour "I'm sorry about what just happened, I'm shitty, I'm a shitty boyfriend, with a shitty dad who does nothing but throw insults at me at every moment he gets, and if your wondering yes, that's why I have the black eye and why my face is all fucked up. You deserve someone better, someone who's life isn't a messed up piece of shit, someone who can-"

You shut him up by placing your lips on his, is it was only a short kiss, short but sweet but the best thing about it is that it reassured your boyfriend that someone is actually there for him and won't leave him at his worst times. This time it was your turn to speak "You're not a shitty boyfriend and sure your life might be somewhat fucked up but so is everyone's in some way or another, no one has it perfect and just because something bad happens to you and you need support to get over it, doesn't mean that you're a shitty boyfriend or that I can do any better. Jesus Stan if that was the case I would of walked out months ago. But I did't because i love you and i'm always here for you no matter what."

He looked up at you from his position on the sofa with glossy eyes "Thank you, I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you... now i don't know about you but it's getting kinda late... stay the night... again?"

"Of course you didn't even need to ask, I wasn't going anywhere." You got up retrieved his blanket from the arm of the sofa and draped it over the both of you then returned to your position on the sofa but only this time it was Stan's turn to pull you into a hug, your eyes began to drop heavy as your head rested on his chest but just before you completely drifted off you heard the words

"Gosh, I love you." and with that you were out like a light with a smile plastered on your face.

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