bowling alleys and party's - stanley barber

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word count: 2642

a/n: sorry i haven't updated more frequently, i've been busy at work experience but it finishes on friday. I have tomorrow afternoon off so i'm going to work on some more and hopefully have new one out tomorrow! remember requests are still open and i'm sorry for any lowercases in places they aren't meant to be, i was typing and forgot to turn caps on as i usually text in full lower :)

Party's something you were used to, way to used to but something you hated just as much. Just like any other party you were forced here by your dickward of a brother Bradley Lewis. Not only was he your brother but also your twin which made it equally worse. You were made to keep up the family 'reputation' at high school, look pretty and be popular, but that all came crashing down the day you met Stanley barber.

You met him on his late night shift at the bowling alley, you were supposed to be meeting your friends there for a game or two before you eventually received a phone call saying the plans had been cancelled, which in reality was another word for 'We don't wanna hang out with you tonight'.

So there you were looking like an absolute twat with the most annoyed look on your face, jesus it looked like you were about to murder someone. That was until Stanley Barber came over, you've spoken a few times mainly asking for the answers to biology questions and asking to borrow a pencil...

'Hey, we're closing up in 10, I hate to be a pain and ask you to leave but I've really got alot of cleaning up to do.' That's when you looked around and realised you were the only one left inside that bowling alley, apart from Stan of course.

'Oh yeah, erm sorry, sure, i'll be on my way.'

'It's fine, hey, let me get that for you' Stan walked over to the door and opened it for you and then realisation hit you as you were about to step outside that it was raining, not only raining but chucking it down.

'Awh shit.' you thought, or you thought you thought but then realised you said it out loud just loud enough for Stan to hear.

'What?' Stan questioned, interested in the sudden stop you made at the door.

'The weather, have you seen it jesus christ i'm going to be dripping like i just got out of 100 showers by the time i get home' Hoping Stan would get the hint that you secretly wanted a ride home due to the fact you also forgot your coat on your bed before you set off. 'It was roasting earlier why the sudden change, just as i thought the day couldn't get any worse.'

'Well...' Stan said 'I'm off in 20, if you're up for waiting i could take you home, save you from getting soaked? That's only if you want to.'

'Yeah sure, if it's no problem of course that would be ideal, thank you Stan.'

'N-no worries, you can just erm sit behind the counter if you like there's a seat behind there, i've just gotta finish spraying these shoes then lock up and we'll be ready to rock and roll.'

you raised an eyebrow at his choice of words 'rock and roll' you laughed slightly ' isn't that what old people use'

'Are you calling me old y/n Lewis, i'm sorry but if anything these bloody bowling shoes are older than me.' you giggled lightly

'Yeah , yeah any pip pip and tally oh Stan, you need to get on with the spraying.'

'And you call me old...' sighed Stan

About 20 mins later as promised, Stan had finished what he needed to do and was now ready to go home, the rain had stopped slightly but small trickles were still coming down from the sky. The two of you jumped in the car, which smelt like old weed and aftershave, and sped off down the street. You and Stan didn't live far from each other, a 5 minute walk if that but you never really interacted apart from the odd chat during school but then death glares would always be sent your way from your brother at the opposite side of the room.

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