panic attacks - stanley barber

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word count: 1042

warnings? : mentions of panic attacks & Stan's dick head dad

You're the year below Stan in school, not very well known and you tried just to blend into the background. Being the centre of attention never really crossed your mind and it was something you didn't want to be. Ever. So these circumstances made it kind of easy to hide your and Stan's relationship. You and him had been dating for 6 months give or take and he had made you the happiest you have ever been in a long time. The only people who knew were your parents, and his dad of course but he's out of it when it comes to giving a shit about people, you hid it from your group of friends and Stan hid it from his. There was no exact reason that the two of you hid it, it just kind of happened and you were doing a very good job at it until one afternoon it spilt out. Not in the best way either.

It all happened like this...

You were sitting in maths , your least favourite lesson of the day or of all time. Seriously when will you ever need to use fractions in your day to day  life. To answer that simply. Never. It was all going normally, you staring out of the window not listening to a single word the teacher said until your thoughts were rudely interrupted by a girl with dark curly hair knocking at the door. You recognised her as one of Stan's friends, you've seen them speaking in the corridors with a small red haired girl before. She signalled for her walk over to her desk, as she didn't want to interrupt the whole class, not like any of them were doing the work anyway. As they finished speaking you were called to the front of the class

"Y/N please come here." a rush of anxiety rushed over me thinking she had caught you not paying attention or not actually doing work, because let's face it who actually does work in maths? "Please follow Dina to her classroom, someone is having a panic attack and they've been asking for you." The curly haired girl smiled down at me and we left the classroom.

"So..." she started "you know Stan?" i looked up at her with a questioning look "Stan? Stanley Barber?"

"Oh-huh-yeah, guess you could say that. Why'd you ask?" mentally face palming you already knew the answer. The brief one anyway.

"It's just we were in the middle of class learning about families and how people may have it harder than others at home, how everyone's life is different and how people might look fine on the outside but they're really not. More like a lecture about how we should all just get along and then something just snapped in Stan and he started to have a panic attack, well we think. His breathing got heavier and heavier as the talk went on and all the colour drained from his face. Currently he's sat against the wall in the classroom. Mr File was no help at calming him down so he asked him if their was anyone who could help, and he said you." She finished just as the two of you were turning the corner to enter the class. Of course you picked up almost immediately what triggered it, home life wasn't the best for Stan and you had dealt with this situation many times knowing just how to calm him down.

You followed Dina into the classroom and all eyes were on you, scanning your eyes around the classroom you immediately found Stan sat at the back corner of the room hugging his knees. It seemed the worst was over, but it still broke your heart to see him like this. Your mind casted back to last night, you were planning on spending the night but as you heard Stanley's dad pull up in the drive way you thought it would be safer for the both of you if you just left. So you climbed through the window as fast as you could so that his dad didn't catch you snooping around and headed off home but you guess his dad caught you judging by the state of Stan's face. He tries to cover it up while at school with some concealer you left at his one night but you know him better than anyone and judging by the scratch mark on his face you can tell what happened after you left him yesterday.

You made your way over to the back of the classroom and sat down next to Stan, you studied his face for a few seconds before pulling him into an awkward sideways hug. Tears trickled down his cheeks and dropped onto your shirt. By now everyone was back facing the front as Mr File continued to teach his lesson while you attempted to help Stan. You thought of what you would usually do when this kind of stuff happened, you pulled out your phone and placed an ear bud into Stan's ear and started playing Fly by Bloodwitch, his favourite song. You stayed with him until the bell rang signalling the end of class, by now he had calmed down - all with the help of you of course, which consisted of you playing with his hair and not letting go of him for the most part.

You two stood up hand in hand and left the classroom, there were stares of course but at this moment you didn't care you just wanted to know if Stan was okay. You followed him to his locker while he put his books back away before asking.

"Are you okay?" you were stood from beside him leaning against god knows who's locker. He turned around so he could face you before pulling you into a long hug.

"I am now..." he said, placing a kiss on your head, "all thanks to you." You pulled away from the hug before standing you with your tiptoes to place a gentle kiss to his lips. He turned around, grabbed his lunch out of his locker, then once again took your hand in his before heading to the lunch hall.

And that's the not so great story of how your private relationship turned public.

a/n: I finally updated, whoop! I thought of this at 2 am yesterday and had the majority of it written when i came to finish it today. Lets face it I've never seen/witnessed a scenario where a school has pulled another student out of class to help another student but lets imagine it's realistic for the sake of this imagine?  As the time of finishing and posting this it is quarter to 2 in the morning so think it's time to head to sleep ooops, and i wonder why i don't get any school work done. Anyway... hope you enjoyed (hope it didn't cringe you out completely) and remember requests are open for any character so feel free to request anything! 

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