Detention - Syd Novak

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Request [ @pug081908 ] : So pretty much the reader gets in trouble and Syd defends them, (Kinda like Dina in EP.5) and they both go to detention and then like Syd says she has feelings for them..? I know it's really bad but you could like, change it a bit if you want... 

I hope it's alright :)

A/N: Requests are still open for any character (even brad oops)! Also this is my first GxG so it might not be the best as i haven't wrote anything like this before but i decided to give it a shot , let me know what you think! This would of been out earlier but i kind of lost track half way through and had a writers block but hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 2116

Friday, luckily the last day of the school week, but unfortunately the worst day for lessons. First period, chemistry with Mr File, who happens to hate me. I don't know what I ever did to him but the grudge he has against me is unexplainable.

My alarm forgot to go off this morning making me have to rush to get ready. As soon as I was changed I brushed my teeth and headed out the door to Stan's house. Stanley Barber was my best friend, coincidentally the only friend I had apart from Dina and Syd but we weren't as close. Stan gives me a ride to school every morning, saving me a 20 minute walk. I'm sure if I had to walk that everyday I'd end up chopping my legs off. Anyway there we were driving to school, having our daily sing along to Bloodwitch. They're surprisingly really good, Stan introduced me to them a few months back, best decision he's ever had. About 5 minutes later we arrived at school, and Stan and i headed our separate ways to our lockers then met back up to head to chemistry. The lesson i hated the most.

Today we were getting our tests back, in all honestly i know I've failed it. Chemistry has never been my strong point and i don't think it ever will be. The test was out of 50 and Mr File was reading the answers out loud, something  which i thought was unfair but i didn't say anything.

"Bradley Lewis 35, Stanley Barber 40, Sydney Novak 30, Dina 36, Y/N 24." Shit i thought, shit, worst in class now this has never happened before. "Now miss Y/L/N since you have got the lowest score in the class, let alone under half marks you can enjoy detention tonight after school." I looked around the class and all eyes are on me, i could feel my face turning red as the seconds passed.

"That is such bullshit!" Finally all eyes were off me and glued to the red haired girl at the front of the room "Look in all fairness I know as well as you Sir that chemistry isn't Y/N's strongest subjected but shes been revising for weeks! She even turned down going to the diner with Stan and I multiple times because she wanted to revise! It isn't her fault she failed and i think giving her a detention for not meeting your standards are fucked up, jesus cut her some slack you can't expect everyone to pass especially when some people find it harder to concentrate than others. "

Everything was silent for a couple of seconds, Mr File looked like his head was going to explode. I've never seen this man so angry in my life.

"Fine Ms Novak if you have such strong feelings why Y/N shouldn't be in detention why don't you join her, keep her company." Shit what had she done, not only was i getting punished for failing my test so was Syd. Way to make me feel better about myself. I looked forward at Syd and she just shrugged her shoulders, but i could tell she wasn't too pleased with the idea. The rest of the lesson was a blur and i'm pretty sure i fell asleep at some point and eventually the bell rang. Took it long enough.

I packed up my bags as quickly as possible to make sure i could catch Syd before she left. Luckily she was still packing up her bags.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that but thank you i appreciate it." i said, i felt bad, like really bad but i guess she was being a good friend. No ones ever stood up for  me like that before, i'm even surprised she did.

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