Part 14

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Part 14

Time pass slowly to Elsa as she walk back towards her chamber. She is still worried about Jack not being home this late and the meeting with council just make it worse. In fact , she needed him at the moment.

“ Your majesty , we need you to consider this matter” said one of the council member

“ The search is still on going. Are you telling me to give up on my son ?” Elsa said in a dangerous tone

“ No, of course not , your majesty but we can’t wait forever” said another member council

“ Certainly you would understand after what happen to the late King.”

Elsa remained silent. Of course she understand. Her parents death were sudden. It was because of that reason , she was crowned as the Queen of Arendelle at a young age.

“ It’s been 10 years .. I do not intend to be rude but Prince Eren might be dead as we speak” he continued

Elsa bit her lips bitterly .

“ Arendelle in need of a new heir ,your majesty.” said another council member

“ Please consider of conceiving another child for the sake of this Kingdom’s future” he continued

Elsa let out a sigh. How could she even know how to consider such thought when she couldn’t even stop thinking about Eren not even a minute in her life? How can she be sure the safety of another child if she can’t even protect Eren ? How can she be sure that she won’t the child like she lose Eren ?

 Elsa suddenly stop her trail when she saw a familiar door . It was decorated with snowflake pattern and she felt a stab right through her heart. Bracing herself , she entered the room and a familiar sight bestow upon her.

“Where are you taking me?” asked Elsa curiously as her eyes were blindfolded

“ It’s a surprise ! and no peeking !” said Jack as he hold her hands leading her to one place he has in mind

“ It better be something good since you just kidnapped the Queen from her paperworks” said Elsa in a chuckled

“ You’ll love it.” Said Jack .

It  took a few minutes before Jack exclaimed that they have arrived.

“ Are you ready? “ asked Jack and Elsa could just imagine the grin spreading across his face

“ This better not be one of your …” Elsa couldn’t finish her sentence as the blindfold were unfold .

She couldn’t believe her eyes. The room were painted with soft blue . There was a rocking chair at a corner of the room with a small bookshelves filled with children’s storybooks. Soft toys arrange so neatly on the shelves. The room was perfect but what caught Elsa’s attention the most was the crib. It was white . Right above was a mobile , decorated with bunny soft toys and it was the most perfect thing she ever see.  

“ Took me a while to finish that mobile” said Jack as he smile sheepishly

 “ Oh, Jack..its perfect!” said Elsa as she hug him

“ Glad you like it. I hope our baby loves it too” said Jack as he rub Elsa swollen tummy

“ Im sure he’ll like it” smiles Elsa

“ lend me your power” said Jack

“ For what ?” asked Elsa

“ You’ll see” winked Jack before he took her hands into his and let them face the mobile. “ Just follow my lead” said Jack

Jack release his power gently and Elsa follow his lead. Before long, the mobile is decorated with snowflakes . Pretty beads that resembles snow it was breathtaking.

“ Now , It’s perfect !” grinned Jack

Elsa remember it as if it was yesterday . The room. It was Jack’s surprise for her and she love it.

She made her way to the crib and slowly place her hand on the soft mattress. She remembered it too clearly.

Elsa placed a sleeping Eren gently in the crib. Covering him with his small blanket and kiss his forehead.

“ sweet dream , Eren” she smiled softly before turning around and make her way to the door . Before she could even touch the door knob, she heard a soft whimper and turn her view again towards the crib. The her surprise Eren was looking at her with tears in his eyes

“ I thought you were asleep?”  chuckled Elsa as she made her way back to Eren

Eren mumbled in his baby words and reach his hand out for Elsa which she gladly carry him.

“ you know Eren , mama has work to do.” Said Elsa which causes Eren to snuggle closer to her .

“ I guess you’re not letting me go?” asked Elsa which causes Eren to smile at her

“ Oh dear .. Im being held captive . What should I do ?” Elsa nip Eren’s button nose which causes Eren to giggle before letting out a huge yawn .

“ Seems like I have to put you back to sleep again” chuckled Elsa

Elsa let a small smile. Eren is one stubborn baby when it come to sleeping. Elsa could almost say that he hates sleeping. Perhaps he prefer having fun like Jack. The only way Elsa can put him to sleep was reading him a story.  It was almost magical how Eren can easiy fall asleep after listening to her story telling .

Elsa took a hold of the small pillow that was used to be Eren’s .  

It has been 10 years ..

“It’s been 10 years ..

I missed you Eren.

I do not intend to be rude but Prince Eren might be dead as we speak”

That can’t be true . I know you’re not . I just … I want you back …

Elsa could feel her body trembling and trying her best to hold her tears that threaten to fall from her eyes

“ Elsa .. “

It was a soft and gentle voice. The voice she knew so well .

“ Jack…” said Elsa . The moment she saw him , she could no longer hide her tears .

“ I…I missed him” Elsa sobbed as Jack pulled her into his embrace.

“ I know you do.. shh..” said Jack as he rub her back soothingly

  “ He cant be dead … I know he isn’t” Elsa continue to sob

Elsa refuse to think about what the council want her to do. She couldn’t . All her mind is filled with Eren. All she wanted most was her boy .

To be continued .

Sorry for the delay. I am studyingfor finals …so I might update a little late .. but don’t worry I'll try and update it ! I know this chapter has a lot of flashback ... but I have my reasons why >.< Tell me what you think ~ and also The next chapter is ….. dum dum dum ! Eren meeting Elsa! Well.. KIND OF meeting :P hahah ( but the next two chapter is more about Eren and Elsa ~~ kyah ..Im so exited <3 are you ?  

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