Part 17

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Chapter 17

Eren never thought changing clothes could be a hassle .

“ can’t I just wear this pyjama ? Its more comfy” Eren mumbled

“ That won’t do . Andrew’s clothes are too small to you either “ said Elsa to herself clearly deep in thought .

Eren decide that it was best he just let her do what she wants .


Elsa search through the wardrobe . She couldn’t find anything suitable for Eren to wear. Of course she could ask one of the tailor but it will take time for it to be finish.

Then a box caught her attention. Memories come flooded into her mind

“ Elsa look what I got for our Eren !” said Jack with a grin

“ please don’t tell me it’s another toy . You bought way too much . We hardly have any space left” said Elsa as she carrying Eren in her arm

“ I thought Eren might need more fun” pouted Jack

“ Toys that can fill the whole throne room?” Elsa raises her eyebrows

“ I don’t see him complaining.” Said Jack as he nip Eren’s little nose which causes the baby to giggles

“ What can I say ? He’s so much like his father” smiled Elsa

“ anyway .. I didn’t get him toys this time” grinned Jack

“ What did you get then?” asked Elsa curiously

“ tadaa! “ exclaimed Jack as he show Elsa a mini blue jacket that look exactly like his “ now he can wear matching jacket with me!” grinned Jack

“ aren’t you exited Eren ? You can wear the same jacket as papa !” said Jack as he nuzzle Eren’s chubby cheeks which causes the baby to squealed  

Elsa let out a small laugh as she watch Jack placing the jacket on Eren. It seems too big for Eren. . “ It’s too big for him. We need to wait till he grow up a little” said Elsa

“ Aww… I guess I mistaken and took the bigger size” pouted Jack

“ This probably for a 10 year old” Elsa giggled

“ You better grow up fast okay little guy? Then you can be just like papa” said Jack as he ruffled Eren’s blonde hair

Eren only cooed in his baby words in response .

“ Perhaps …” Elsa mumble before taking the familiar blue clothes and let Eren wear them


“ It look like Jack’s” said Eren as he look at the clothes he’s wearing. It was a perfect fit

Elsa smiled warmly at Eren. Her eyes were filled with emotions.

“ It was meant to look like Jack’s” said Elsa

“ Is it okay for me to wear it?” asked Eren

“ yes. Don’t you worry about it” said Elsa “ it was meant for you “ she added barely above whisper

Eren walk around the room in his new outfit . It feels a little weird but comfortable . He suddenly notice a portrait on the way. He could recognize the two figures in it. It was Elsa and Jack . The clothes they wear were a little different . Somewhat more stunning and elaborate .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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