Part 11

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Part 11

Warm. That was the first thought that came across Eren’s mind when he felt Jack’s arm embracing him. He had never felt anything like it before . Pitch never once done it to him.

“ Feeling better ?” asked Jack as he wipe away the remaining tears away from Eren’s cheeks using his thumb

“ I ..guess” said Eren as he looked up to Jack. All his life , he was used to the cold and he never thought that he will like anything else except the cold . Yet somehow , when Jack embrace him, the warmness that he gave him, it felt weird yet safe. What is this feeling ?

Jack gently pat his head . It was comforting and gentle . It felt nice.

It was then a loud growl could be heard from the flustered orange blonde boy’s tummy.

Jack let out a chuckled before saying “ Now that’s one big tummy you have there Andrew”

“ I am hungry !” said Andrew as he puff his cheeks

“ I know.” Said Jack smiling as he hands over a bunny looking pastry to Andrew “ bought it before you gave me a heart attack with your disappearance”

“ I didn’t mean too…” said Andrew as he took the pastry and eat it . “ Yummy !” he squealed

Eren stared at Andrew . More specifically at the object he was eating. He wondered what it is . He never encountered one let alone know how it taste like.

“ Would you like one?” asked Jack

Eren eyes widened in surprise . Of course he wanted to take his offer but somehow something held him back.

“ No. Its okay. You can have it ” said Eren

“ Don’t worry about me. Im sure you are more hungry than I am after all that journey from the forest” said Jack

True . Not to mention this is his first time being outside of the hole and his energy is depleting by the seconds.

“ Trust me . It’s very yummy” said Jack as he hands over the pastry over to Eren

Eren hesitantly took it before giving the pastry a long look as if he was inspecting it .

Jack chuckled at his seriousness . “ go on . Give it a bite” ushered Jack

 Eren brace himself and opened his mouth to have a taste of the pastry. The way Eren being too uptight and cautious , it was too cute to Jack and it remind him of Elsa .

“ how was it?” smiled Jack as he wait for Eren respond

Eren couldn’t really describe the taste . It look hard on the outside yet the moment he bite it , it was so soft and the sweetness …he never had anything like it before .

“ Its …. Delicious !” said Eren as his eyes shine in amazement which causes Jack to grin.

“ Told you” said Jack

Eren start to eat the pastry as fast as he could . How could such small thing taste so delicious ?

“ woah …slow down there, little guy . You might get choked” said Jack  

Within seconds , Eren finished the whole pastry which in contrast , Andrew still haven’t been able to finish his .

“ I think your tummy is more bigger than Andrew’s” laughed Jack

“ I never had anything like that before” said Eren

“ Never ?”

“ No.”Eren said bluntly. He recalled that all the days he had lived in the whole , he only remembered being given dead animal and having to cook it by himself which is a task he was not good at. He was good with ice but when it comes to cooking and usage of fire , it took him sometimes hours to actually lit it up. And by cooking , the only thing Eren understand about it is to burn the dead animal over a fire till its edible enough to be eaten.

“ just some dead animals being cook over a fire ” said Eren

Jack felt a little pain in his heart. Dead animals ?  For all those 10 years .. his son was only eating that? It sounded bad enough let alone taste it.  Anger filled within him. How could pitch only feed his one and only son with something like that ? How could Pitch take him away when Eren deserve something more ?

“ I will make sure you’ll try every dish there is to offer in this Kingdom ..the whole world !” said Jack

 Eren’s widened his eyes

“ come with me Eren. I’ll bring you back to Arendelle” said Jack

Eren hesitated . Should he ? Yes he did decide to leave the hole but the reason was just to help Andrew find his way back. He never thought of going anywhere .

“I’ll be leaving for a while . I expect you to guard this place while Im gone” His tone was rather of a commanding one than a statement

He remembered his Father words to him and he recalled the days when he actually disobeyed him. He remembered it very clearly

Eren was still little perhaps at age of 5.

He had disobeyed his father words and end up being beaten pretty badly. Bruises and scratches covered his little body as he lay on the cold floor . Sobbing in pain.

“ If you only listened to me none of this would have happen.” said Pitch as he slightly push Eren’s body aside using his feet as if he was a dirty thing .

And for the next 2 days , he was left there alone to attend to his own wounds . Starving without food .

Eren cringed the memory. He never wanted to experience it again . He could went back to the hole and pretended that he never left the place and be the good boy he is guarding the place.

Eren look up at Jack’s face . He could see that Jack sincerely wanted him to come with him. Yet his mind couldn’t really decide what to do. Part of him wanted to accept his invite yet another part of him was scared of what might his father might do to him when he finds out

“ I can’t … I have to guard this place” mumbled Eren

Jack was not going to take a no for an answer. It has been 10 long years. He wont let his son slipped away right in front of him again.

“ How long were you told to guard this place ?” asked Jack

“ I don’t know. He told me until he came back. He can be gone for a week . Sometimes 3 days” said Eren

Jack knows exactly who was the person Eren’s referring about. That’s why he was more than determined to bring back Eren with him.

“ How about this .. on the third day , before the sun sets , I’ll send you back here. That way ‘He’ wont know “ said Jack

Eren stay silent and thought about it .

Jack bend down on his knees so that his eyes is at the same level as Eren’s. He hold both Eren’s hands which was smaller than his . “ Please ? “ Jack pleaded

“ Promise me that we’ll be back here by the third day?” said Eren

“ I promised” said Jack .

Jack always try keeping his promises . Yet for this once , he knew he couldn’t be able to keep it. He’s not letting go of Eren. This time he’ll protect him. Even if it means that you had to lie .

To be continued  

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