chapter one

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I entered the train as my mother waved me a last goodbye, there weren't any free carriages left, so I just knocked to a random one, there were two boys sitting in it and they both looked that they're very nice.

"Who the fuck is that" a boy with brownish hair asked the one with blonde hair, he was kind of hot.

"Albus, be nice, it's a new girl everyone is talking about." The blonde haired guy whispered to the other boy, his name was Albus, I think. "The carriage is not locked, come in darling" he said and I came in, sat near him.

We made an eye contact and he of course smiled, I immediately saw his smile, it was really beautiful and I fucking adored it, it was so fucking pretty, let's talk about his eyes, his perfect ocean blue eyes.

"Staring, much, darling?" He asked me and I immediately snapped out of my thoughts about him, it was time to introduce myself to them.

"I- yeah oh uh sorry, I'm Evans. Theia Evans." I said and the blonde haired boy looked at me with a weird smile. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." He said and gave me his hand, his hand was hot, it was like two times bigger than mine so my he could completely bury mine into his.

I took his hand as shook it slightly, they were cold, cold like ice.

The brown haired boy looked at me with disgust and said "Albus Severus Potter." while mumbling, he clearly did not want to talk to me nor Scorpius, he looked moody.

"Albus do not be a fucking moody bitch, you need to calm your nerves down, you know that people won't like you with that attitude, right?" Scorpius spat to Albus and he rolled his eyes, stood up and left the carriage.

I suddenly got scared, because I was in the carriage alone with Scorpius, but the fact that he was extremely hot made me feel safe.

"So, you're a muggle-born?" He turned his head to me and asked me quietly. "Yeah, I guess, why are you asking?" I asked him and tried to avoid an eye contact with him because I didn't want to get lost in his beautiful eyes.

"Just curious, you know I think that my father would like you." He said to me and I nodded "Okay, and what am I supposed to do with that information?" I asked him and he took it as a rude response.

"Don't make me do things that I don't want to do, so keep that slutty attitude to yourself or shut the fuck up, I tried my best to be nice to you, Evans." He spat to me and stood up, walked up to me and sat completely next to me, his leg was touching mine, I kind of freaked out.

"My darling, I can quickly switch from nice to rude, you won't even notice, so shush" he whispered to my ear, not going to fucking lie it was hot, he was hot.

He was way taller than me, I was five foot three and he was like six foot two, he was so fucking tall.

"You know, we have about five hours left until Hogwarts, so why don't we get to know each other more?" He asked me with a smirk and a smile, I didn't understand if it was a good one or a bad one, but I didn't even think for a minute and said "Sure, whatever, I don't give a single fuck." And he looked at me again with a smirk, it wasn't a good one now but I still liked the way his face looked at me.

"Let's go out of this dirty carriage and meet my friends, we will play seven minutes in heaven and maybe we will get to know each other more, don't you think?" He asked me and raised both of his eyebrows at me, he really looked fucking good, a suit and a white shirt with a green Slytherin tie, he was so mother fucking hot.

"Sure I guess, like I said I don't give a fuck." I replied once again, he came even closer to me and whispered to my ear again "I bet that we will have some fun, my darling."

Shit. That was fucking hot, the way his voice sounds when he is whispering things, it was even hard to breathe for a good second.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked me and grabbed my hand "Lets go out of this place, it's hot in here." he stood up and dragged me out of the carriage, then I saw a table and maybe five people around it, there was a black-haired girl, Albus and a few other people that I clearly didn't know.

"Sit down and feel comfortable with us, if you feel uncomfortable just tell us and we will stop, okay?" Scorpius asked me nicely and I nodded my hair shyly because I was still shy, he sat down the black haired girl and she smiled at me, not going to lie she was hot too.

"Gabrielle Hottaway, Pansy Parkinson is my mother, I don't think that you know her, but I don't give a fuck, you're hot." She said and I got shocked, Scorpius grabbed her hand and squeezed it as a sign to stop, he saw that I was uncomfortable around her.

There was another boy, he was black, I liked the way he looked and sat, he was really fucking hot, I mean almost everyone here looks good.

"Oh, Zachary Zabini, I'll be your best friend and I don't care if you want me to be or not, I'm your guardian angel now." The boy said and gave me his hand, I took it and he shook it slightly, his hand was warm, not like Scorpius's.

Zabini took out a brown bottle out of his backpack and put it on the table. "So, who this bottle lands on, you have to go to the carriage, lock yourself in it and stay there for full seven minutes, if you don't do it then you are not playing this game anymore until everyone leaves and there's only one winner. Understood?" He asked me and I nodded my head as an answer and he nodded his head too, passed the bottle to Albus and he span the bottle.

Hello loves! I am really exited for this book, I'll try to update it every day but I cant really promise that because I'm trying  to focus on myself and on my mental health too, also my family life and everything, but I hope that y'all will enjoy this book too, love you all, also I wanted to thank you all for 25k reads on 'His little slut'! That means a lot to me, don't forget to vote and comment! Have a great day or night xx
-Robe <3

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