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active 1 week ago


hey, you okay there?




Haruto's Point of View:

Those girls are getting into my nerves. Junghwan is still not online and he haven't even message or greet me morning texts, fuck. I haven't saw him since last week. Sadly when I asked his teachers, they told me that he doesn't even attended his class. Anyways, it is also my fault. If I just gave him the attention he wants then we're probably hanging out now. But damn it, I'm such a bullshit.

I'm walking straight to the convenience store, but my eyes caught a familiar figure. I don't know why, I automatically ran towards the figure.

I held his cold hands, pulls him into my chest. I felt the need of wrapping my arms arounds him. I embraced him as tighter as it should be.

I whispered to his ear, "Gomenasai." Then a pair of brown eyes looks at me. Junghwan's eyes are wet and a tear fell on his soft cheek that made my heart ache.

He hug me even tighter and sobs at my chest. He also mutters apologies and it's already late when I realized that a placed a reassurance kiss on his forehead.

We entered the convenience store and sat on the corner. With a sigh, I look at him and held his face.

"Tell me, did anyone hurt you? D-did I hurt you?" I asked, I freaking want to know the reason.

"You don't like me, right? But they still hate me. My phone was thrown to the river, your so called fangrils even pushed me and gladly I didn't fall." He whispered between sobs.

"Alright, leave it up to me. I'll make them suffer from their wrongdoings. Don't worry now, Junghwan. You got me, understand?l I'm here, I'll protect you." I assured him with a hug. Ruck, he's so precious. I don't want to hurt him, I don't want any of them to hurt him either. I want to take care of him, but how?

I got him sandwiches and cola for him to eat. He thanked me and I ruffled his hair in response. He's cute.

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