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where are you now?

it's cold outsidewweee

look at your back

junghwan's pov:

i glance at my back witnessing the brightest star all throughout the universe. the surrounding is covered by the night yet my crush shines the most. why not? he's smiling!oh my, he's smiling!?

"hey" he greeted with a shy smile and waves his hand, oh god he's so handsome.

"hi hy-hyung" i stuttered when he came closer to me and signaled me to walk together with him.

the cold breeze and his presence are both making me shiver, this is probably the happiest night of my life.

"what do you want us to eat?do you want to go to a restaurant?or convenience store?" he suddenly asks and looked at me with a gentle smile, my heart is going crazy again andl can't even look at him straightly.

"uh, what do you prefer more?" i asks and he chuckled, he likes to eat at a restaurant. my eyes widened, i don't have any money in my pocket. I forgot to grab my wallet at my apartment. i'm screwed...

"hyung, i forgot my wallet"

he chuckled with his eyes closed. he's such a beautiful man, his smile lights up the night. the stars would be envious with his smiles.

i thought he's just a man who loves to isolate himself and also a stubborn man who dodges away everytime someone would interact with him.

but i guess, i was wrong. he approaches and even texts me.

"don't worry, it's my treat." he said and even pushed his arms on me.

haruto's pov:

finally, we reached the restaurant. we sat on the corner to avoid people's agenda and eyes. unfortunately, someone called junghwan's name and it was his classmate named park jungwoo?jeongwu?why would you interrupt our date?

"yah junghwanie, you haven't told me about this!"he yelled and wrapped his arms on junghwan's shoulder. what the hell

"excuse me, i'm watanabe haruto from clas-"

"a friend of mine"junghwan added and smiled at his classmate. friend???seriously?oh yeah,friend. but-nah nevermind.

jungwu chuckled and fucking hug him infront of me, what the hell.

"uhm sorry to interrupt you, but junghwan is hungry. he needs to eat so we came he-"

"let me join you!!!"he yelled and pulled a chair to sit beside junghwan, a let out a sarcastic chuckle because this boy is getting into my nerves.

i'm keeping my posture to not look dumb infront of junghwan but this older iksan boy is even inching closer to him.

thankfully, a crew came and asked for our orders, but it just made me more irritated

"hi, uhm i'm yoshinori. i always see you around the campus, i want to know your name, uhm so you're?" this man, i guess he's also a Japanese?cause his korean is somehow broke. but damn it, are you a stalker?what a creep.

"haha hi yoshinori-ssi, i'm junghwan" he said and offered his hand, HE OFFERED HIS HAND?WHAT THE-, DAMN!THIS NIGHT SHOULD BE OUR DATE BUT UGLY PEASANTS ARE RUINING OUR MOMENTS!

"hello hyung, i'm park jeongwoo" his classmate also offered his hand, these guys are crazy.

"i still need to do my work here, see you around junghwanie!" yoshinori-san said and waves at him before he entered their backstage???what do you call that?i'm not dumb okay.

junghwanie?did he just called him junghwanie? JUNGHWANIE? SERIOUSLY?????

"hyung, are you okay?" junghwan asked me with a pout, do you think that i'll fall for that?i rolled my eyes and he looked at jeongwoo and they exchanged whispers. WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT

"your FRIEND is not comfortable, he probably forced himself to go out with you cause you're pathetic" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT KIM JUNGWO? FRIEND????PATHETIC?THAT WAS SERIOUS!

"i see" junghwan nodded in disappointment, aaa my heart did it just ache?damn, i will definitely punch this jeong jungwoo next time.

"haha that was only a misunderstanding, i asked him to go out with me" i said with a chuckle and i glared at that jungweu.

"WHAT? YOU'RE DATING THIS BRAT?" his classmate raised his voice as he also stood up and pointed at me. AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT???

"haha we're just friends hyung. don't be exaggerated. we just hang out to eat hehe" junghwan said and chuckled, ah right. friends.

"but you like him,right?" he asked again and i suddenly grinned, what?

"yeah, but you know it's just a crush. I would probably like someone who's better and worth it to like" HE SAID RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD?SOMEONE BETTER?WORHT IT?I'M PERFECT!!?

"haha that's good hwanie, oh i have a friend who is way more handsome than this brat. his name is kim doyoung, do you want to meet him?i could set a blindate for the two of you!" this unstoppable park jeongwoo just offered him a blindate and even said that kim doyoung is way MORE HANDSOME than me?REJECT IT JUNGHWAN.

"probably next time hyung, i'm busy" haha I won, i rolled my eyes when jeongwoo looked at me.

thankfully, the foods are finally served. good thing, the food tonight is italian pasta. but the two iksan boys are making me irritated, jeongwoo would gave junghwan some of his food.


"ne hyung?"he answered and i stood up, i gave my phone to park jeongwoo

"i'm not a beggar"

"take a picture of us" i said and pulled junghwan by his waist. he's cute, he looked down and he's
shy. i badly want to eat his cheeks.

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