Dmitri Braginsky Ending

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A/N: The Picture Isn't mine. I found it in the pinterest and I decide to save the picture. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending. Thank you everyone and Goodbye The Beautiful Country. Anyway, the kids name is actually either city/region fan characters from hetalia.



"I will give them a chance....I can't forgive them fully but...I wanna restart again" I smiled.

"Alright. I will tell everyone you forgive all of us" Katyusha stood up.

I look at her her walking out from the room and I could heard many cheers after she announced that I'm willing to give everyone a chance to be closer with me. I could only let a little laugh while the other girls in my room were laughing expect Natalia who rolled her eyes but... a tiny smile escaped her lips.



There were a small ringing sound as my hand grab the handle of the door and pushes the door gently, alarming some people in the shop. There were a lot of delicious foods in the counter, some of them a little bit expensive but some of them are pretty cheap. A tall woman came up to me as she smiles at me "How can I help you?" She ask politely. She has a curly blonde haor with baby blue eyes. She is really pretty, I feel slightly insecure because she is far more pretty than me if I must to be honest.

"Uhh, I want to buy two bublik bread and one pampushka bread," I answer.

"Alright, that's all?" She asks.

"Yes," I nod.

"That will be $5.50 for the total bublik and pampushka bread, that's all?" She take the breads and put it inside the bag.

"Yes, that's all," I was pretty awkward when I reply her answer.

"Thank you for coming Yulie's bakery!" The girl smiles.

I got out the bakery after buy some breads. Two breads for 'him' and one bread for myself as I take one of the Bublik bread and eat it while I'm walking to Dmitri's house. I got a message from him that he is sick because he overworks himself yesterday. Of course I scold him because he's careless with his health. I know that he is a country like me but I couldn't help but worry with his condition. I open my cellphone and look at the messages in my phone when I was chatting with Dmitri.


Dmitri: (Y/N), I'm really sorry but I need your help.

You: What is it?

Dmitri: Well...Can I get today class notes? I'm sick. 

You: ..... Tell me how did you get sick, Moya lyubov (My love)

Dmitri: ....Yesterday i was busy and I might....overwork myself until night....


Dmitri: I'm sorry :(


A sigh escapes my lips as I continue walking and reaching his house. Without knocking, I immediately get inside the house after unlocking the door and get inside his bedroom. Not forgetting to put the plastic bags on the table and goes to the kitchen to make a hot tea and a chicken noodle soup for Dmitri. We have been dating for a long time. That's why he trust me by giving me a duplicated key so I can get inside and hang out together with him if I had a free time. Several minutes has passed and I was pouring the tea into the cup as I place the bowl of noodle soup on the tray with the bread too.

My hands move to the tray and grab it carefully. I went to his bedroom and knock the door, hearing him saying "Who is it?" His voice was cracked slightly because of the cold. "It's me Dmitri. I brought you some food for you." Once I hear him says get in, I open the door carefully and get inside the bedroom to see him laying on the bed. He was surrounded with a dirty tissue and he was panting heavily.

Guilt creeps into my soul as I see his condition. I couldn't help but to come up at him and put the tray on the table. Then, wipe his face carefully with a warm wet cloth to clean his face. "Don't overwork yourself until you are sick, okay?" I ask. He was silent for a moment but he nods, agreeing with me. "rest well, moya lyubov. I will prepare some medicine for you and a warm bath for you too." He didn't say yes but the smile on his face already give me an answer that he is thankful that I come to take care of him.






Third Person POV:

The little boy wrap his tiny arms around his father as Dmitri holding the little boy in his arms gently, carefully not dropping the boy. "Gooodbye mama!" The little boy wave his hand at you with Dmitri wave his hand at you too. "Goodbye boys, take care and don't make a mess," You waved back as you open the door and get inside the car. The chauffeur starts the car and you open the window to wave your hand at the two boys who are watching you going to your work place. Worry slowly invading your feeling and your mind but the chauffeur shakes his head "They are going to be okay, Ms. (Y/N)."

While you had gone to the work place. Dmitri and Andriy went inside the house together as Dmitri places his son down to the floor. Andriy Chernenko Braginsky ( Kyiv ) has Dmitri's hair color but he also has your eye color. The two of you both love him so much, he is a precious gem. "I'm gonna make lunch for both of us. You can draw," Dmitri says as he hands his son a paper and crayons for him to draw. Andiy nods as he grabs the crayons and began drawing on the paper. While Andriy was drawing, Dmitri went to the kitchen and made a lunch.

The little boy starts drawing his father first, then he draws you and himself in the middle. He also draws a big house beside the three figures and flowers surrounding the three of you. 'I want to make Mama and Papa happy. I hope Mama and papa likes my draw.' The light boy though as he smiles softly. His hands were getting dirty without him realizing it. He was satisfies after he draw the flowers.

"Papa! I draw us!" The little boy shouted as he grab the drawing paper and ran to kitchen.

"Let me see," Dmitri says as he looks at the art that Andriy made.

"This is you, this is Mama and this is me beside our house!" Andriy smiles.

"You're so talented in drawing! I'm proud of you," Dmitri kisses the top of his son's head.

A warm feeling slowly tingling deep inside of him. 'Thank you....for the perfect family' he thought as he pull his son to his lap and cuddled the little boy.

~ The End ~


Thank you for reading! I hope you like this fluff ending!




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