Chapter 43: The Traitor

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Claire's POV

When John and I reached the house, John headed straight to one of the guest rooms on the main floor, where Noah and his mate slept, and I went to go wake Keith and Sienna up. On the walk back, Jack and I decide to wake those that we knew without a shadow of a doubt are trustworthy, and the more I thought about it, the more confident I was that this was the right move, and I believe that Sophia can be a big help in what is about to go down, but first a meeting of the minds.

I take the stairs two at a time, passing the second floor and heading to the third floor. I hardly ever come up here, this space is primarily for Keith and His mate, they basically have their own apartment up here, both Keith and sienna have office spaces, a lounge area, and a small kitchen space with a stove top and a fridge. It's a pretty big space with an open concept, if you wanted you could very easily shift up here and walk around comfortably,which I Think was a factor in the design of this space.

The third floor is the same colour scheme and general design as the rest of the house. Black and burgandy bricks were used for the walls, and every door is fashioned with light and dark brown wooded panelling that matched the ceiling and the floor. The furniture used is either an eggshell white or black. It's a very Rustic vibe that manages to be both femine and masculine at the same time, you can tell that both sienna and Keith worked together in designing their lair.

Passing the kitchen and both offices I head straight to their bedroom, just as I lifted my hand to knock on their door, the door swings wide open causing me to gasp in surprise as a grumpy Keith appears at the doorway.

"What do you want?! Do you know what time it is Claire?"

I roll my eyes, "of course I know the time, this is important, you and Sienna need to come downstairs with me right now"

"what is this about?" Keith crosses his arms over his chest as Sienna came up behind him to peer at me over his shoulder.

"Hey Love, What's going on?" Sienna says with a yawn, and at this point I'm getting a little frustrated, they were just moving so slow and there is legit an army laying in wait to kill the whole town!

My wolf rushes forward in an instant, and a loud growl erupts from inside of me before I have the chance to even process what's happening. At once both Sienna and Keith were on their knees in front of me, heads bowed and neck bared in a sign of submission.

"I need the both of you to make haste, and follow me down the stairs, I am only going to say everything that must be said once, and only once, so please, get up and head downstairs " I say lowly, anger and the effort it is taking to stay in control causing me to breathe heavily with my fists clenched.

They both nodded softly, my brother clearly a bit agitated still remained level headed enough to grabhis mate, and headed downstairs ahead of me.

I let out a huge breath and followed behind them.

This is about to be a long night.


"Okay," said Noah, "we are all here Claire, what is going on?"

Everyone is gathered in the living room, John is leaning on the wall closest to me, while Keith and Sienna and Noah and Sophia are sitting on the huge U-shaped couch in the middle of the room facing the fireplace and the Giant TV that has been mounted above it, and since I am standing directly in front of the fireplace, everyone is facing me.

"What we are about to discuss cannot ever leave this room, when I begin you will understand why, but I want to emphasize that there are lives at stake, innocent lives, if we do not come to an agreement on what to do tonight, we might not get any other chance to discuss this"

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