Chapter 28: Noah's Mate

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John's POV

I followed Spencer as he lead me to up the stairs and then up more stairs, until we reached a door on the last floor of the house.

"Why'd you bring me to the attic Spencer?"

He lightly placed his hands on the door knob, and began to turn it. Just before he pushed it open he turned his head to look at me, with a hopeful expression on his face.

"I want you to meet my sister"

My jaw dropped

"You keep your sister in the attic? What typ-"

"Shhhh, just... you'll see" and with that he opens the door and we step into the room.

I immediately scan the room for any surprises, but instead my eyes catch on a girl staring out a big window. The thing I noticed about her was her hair, which was pure white, and long, she was like a modern day Rapunzel. Then she turned to look at us, and I gasped.

Her eyes were clear, but still intense, like she saw everything, and nothing at the same time.

"Hey Spencer, I see you brought the prince." She smiled towards our general direction, and that is when I realized that she was blind.

I was speechless.

"Yeah I did, I was hoping you could give him some answers."

I motioned to move a step closer in to the room but Spencer stopped me, shaking his head, "No, she can't handle it" but the girl in question had other ideas. She stood up gracefully and took a few graceful steps closer towards us, like she knew exactly where we were in the room.

"Spence, I can very well handle my self, you need to stop worrying about me."

"I'll worry all I want, it's my right as your big brother, Sophia."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she said sarcastically, which made me chuckle under my breath.

Sophia's head snapped towards my direction, remembering that she wasn't alone with her brother, and she blushed mildly, her cheeks turning a light pink, but she didn't let her embarrassment stop her from addressing me.

"Sorry Prince John, you must be really confused."

"Only a bit, but please call me John, the prince part is way too formal."

"Umm...I don't know, I... I'll think about it." She smiled shyly. Sophia stayed a couple feet away from us, and though it was awkward, I could tell that it was necessary so I made sure to stay exactly where I was, moving as little as possible.
looking around the room, I noticed how simple the room was, hardly any colour, and there were only necessary things in the room. It seemed lonely.

"So what's with staying hidden in the attic, and why did I have to meet you." Getting a bit antsy from staying in the same spot for this long, I started to shuffle around on my feet.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you've noticed that I'm blind, and because of this, I'm only comfortable around people and places that I know very well, but since you're arrival there have been many strangers, and I just feel safer in my room. Don't worry, I'm not here against my will." She lightly laughed at the thought and then moved two steps closer to me, making us an arm length apart.

"And I think my brother brought you to me because of the gift that I have, although there are days when it feels like a curse, I know that the Goddess made me this way for a reason, I just hope I am able to fulfill that purpose."

"What is your gift?"

She took a deep breath before speaking, "When I'm really close to people I can hear their thoughts, which is another reason I stay here, I can't control how many thoughts I hear and I can't turn it off."

I looked to Spencer who was just looking at his sister like she was an incredible person who he looked up to, it was sweet, and understandable, this girl in front of me had this quiet strength about her that was so inspiring, it reminded me of Claire, leaving me speechless.

"I personally don't think I'm brave, but it is totally okay if that is what you want to believe, I am not opposed to the idea", she ended with a shrug, like it was a burden she had to carry, and it was so hilarious, I couldn't help but laugh, and neither could Spencer.

"What? What's so funny? Did i miss something... is Spencer doing the bunny ears thing behind my head?" After a couple of minutes we calmed down, and I noticed that Sophia had her hands on her hips, and looked as if she was barely containing her anger. I guess she doesn't like being left out. Deciding to put her out of her misery, I cleared my throat and apologized, "it's just that you are a pretty funny person" I said with a smirk, and if she could role her eyes, I have no doubt in my mind she would have just then.

"Good save, Prince John, good save, now tell me exactly whats bothering you, you are thinking a lot of things in your head and I can't focus on one."

"Wait, your trying to hear what I'm thinking? Why?" Looking at her and her brother suspiciously, but it was Sophia who answered.

"Because you are upset about something that you don't want to admit, and this way you don't have to say it out loud, it will just be something you and I know, and no one else. You can trust me." And although I knew that she couldn't see me, I nodded anyways. It was a reflex, one that Sophia was surprisingly aware of, and smiled at.

"So tell me what's bothering you, but tell me inside your head." She said pointing to head.

"I can feel her again in my heart, so I know she's safe, but she won't call me! Why won't she call, it's like she doesn't want me to find her, and that scares me." I let out a deep sigh after confessing my truths.

"Oh John, I think she is scared, something is holding her back, but that doesn't mean you give up, okay. When you find her, that is when you can ask her, but your going to have to find her first.  She whispered the last part to me.

"Yeah, you're right" I said with no shadow of doubt in my mind

"I know, now go find your girl" Sophia smiled up at me while also looking a little distrac, and pushed me away. Just as Spencer and I were about to leave her room, Noah burst into the room and  scanned the room, his eyes undoubtedly locking onto Sophia, and growled loudly,


Hey guys, Merry Christmas!! I realize now that a lot of people might not remember who Noah is, so i thought I'd clarify that he is John's right hand man, and they are best friends. Hope you all had a great weekend!

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