Chapter 33: A Birthday Surprise

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A/N I could give plenty of excuses as to why I haven't updated in such a long while but I'm just going to say I'm sorry, believe me when I say my life is just starting to calm down again. I hope you like the update, it's really long! hopefully there will be another one in the next two weeks.
Thanks for reminding me to update with your comments!!! keep it going and don't forget to vote!



The prince has found her, this makes my job a lot simplier. My source has told me that the prince is headed to the starlight pack, and will be arriving soon...He will never see me coming, the prince will always be two steps behind me. I will be victorious. But first I must wait.

Claire POV
Today's the day, the day I prove my brother wrong, and the day I get to see John again. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about any of it, so I'm just going through the motions of life.

I got up really early in the morning, because I just couldn't sleep. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, combed my extremely long hair... wait! When did my hair grow?

Sitting on my bed half naked, with just a bra and panties on, my hand frozen in the air mid brush stroke, I ran to the washroom, and really looked at myself in the mirror, after weeks, it felt like I was looking at myself for the first time.
The first thing I noticed was that my eyes looked bigger and brighter. More of a Forest green than their original ocean blue. My lashes were full and long, and I swear to you my lips were fuller, they looked more heart shaped then they were before. My complexion had changed from a smooth white, to more of an olive colour. My cheek bones have become more pronounced, yet my face still looks soft. It is as if I hit puberty all in one night. Even my breasts have gotten bigger! Unfortunately though, I noticed I was still pretty short for a werewolf.

"What has happened to me?!" I whispered to myself. I looked so womanly, and feminine. The more I stared at my reflection, the more I tried to convince myself that the girl in the mirror was not me. Unfortunately this didn't work, because she followed my every move, and even though I looked really different, I did still look like me.

I turned from the mirror and left the washroom in a sort of daze, and remained that way as I continued to get ready for the long day ahead.

Keith's POV
"Henry how long before they arrive?" Keith asked as he walked into his office at the church. Henry was slouched in a chair on the opposite side of Keith's desk. The beta sat up straighter when he heard his name.
"They just called a couple minutes ago, and said they were an hour away."

"Good" Keith said, as he sat in his chair.

Henry growled, "There is nothing good about this situation!" He said glaring at his alpha.

Keith gave Henry a cold look.

"You better calm down before I force you to" Keith threatened, with a low growl in his voice"

Henry immediately broke eye contact and looked down.

"Sorry" He mumbled

Keith shook his head, truly dissapointed in his friends behaviour.

"You are being selfish."

Henry'said head snapped back up, with a look of dismay on his face.


"DON'T. SPEAK." Keith's voice hardened.

Henry closed his mouth.

"You are being selfish. You are only thinking about what you want. Claire deserves to be happy, and you can't give her that as well as her mate can. After all that's happened to her, she needs a type of comfort only her mate can give her." Keith leaned in, so his face was inches from Henry's, and in a harsh voice, he whispered, "Now that might be a tough pill to swallow, but you have to swallow it!" Keith suddenly slammed both his hands on the table, and growled "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!!"

Henry looked Keith in the eyes and nodded sharply. They remained staring at each other for a minute before Henry got up. As he was just about to step out of the office, Keith called out to him.

"Henry, remember that Claire's mate is the Alpha King, he may not be officially, but his wolf doesn't care, if he even thinks that you're looking at her in a intimate way, he could kill you, and I dont want that to happen."

Henry nodded once more and continued out of the office. As he headed towards the Alpha's house, to see claire, a small smirk began to grace his lips.

"I don't care what anyone has to say, Claire will be mine! Before the king knows it, she will be whisked away from his side, and I will finally get what I've been promised..." Henry thought to himself.

"...Claire!" both he and his wolf were in agreement with the plan and its outcome, all they needed to do was continue to exercise patience.


The first place I head to after getting dressed, is the kitchen. As soon as I had opened my bedroom door, and absolutely beautiful smell assaulted my senses.
"Flapjacks, Sienna made flapjacks!! Oooo is that bacon I smell?!!" I take a big whiff, trying to sort out exactly what it is I'm smelling.

Yes!! It is bacon... and sausages... yuummm, and EGGS..."

My stomach growles.

"I am sooo hungry" I mutter to myself, as I jog sprint to the kitchen. When I arrive at the gates of heavenly food, I spot Sienna at the stove, with her back towards me. Behind her, and in front of me, is a mountain of food beautifully placed on the island.

I sat down, looking in awe at all of the choices, there were fruits, and cookies, mini waffles, and tea biscuits, pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausages!!! it was all soo much food, I didn't know what I should start with.

"The strawberries, start with the strawberries!!" Just as my hand reached out to grab a strawberry,

Sienna growled,"DON'T TOUCH!"

I froze.

How in the world did she see me? Her back is turned!!!"

"Claire, Claire, Claire" she said shaking her head.
"When you have been slaving away in the kitchen for as long as I have, you will be able to sense when someone is about to take your food WITHOUT PERMISSION!!" Sienna turned to glare at me, but it quickly softened when she fully saw me.

"Happy birthday Claire" she said softly.

I looked at Sienna in confusion.

"It's not my birthday! My birthday is on September 1st, that's in a week from now."

Sienna chuckles "girl, you've got your dates mixed up today is September 1st." Sienna turns back to the stove, and turns it off, and placed the bacon she just finished cooking, on a plate next to her.

My mouth dropped open.

"Today's my birthday? Wow, where did the time go?"

I couldn't wipe off the shocked look on my face.

"Your the only person I know who would forget their 18th birthday" said Sienna as she offered me a piece of bacon.

I leaned back in my seat, "Well, after the whole kidnapping event, I was never too concerned about the date, sometimes I still can't believe that I'm free..." I trailed off.

"Well you are, and look at you, it is obviously  your birthday" Sienna places her hands on top of mine. "So after the prince gets here we will celebrate."

"Okay" I say softly, a little lost in thought, for a while there, I had forgotten that John was coming. "I wonder if he remembered that today's my birthday?" Thinking of him has allowed all the butterflies to come rushing back into my stomach with a vengeance.

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