Chapter 25: A Brother's Love

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Claire's POV

We walked back into the forest, where Henry found me. On our way there, the people of this pack took their time staring at me, like I was a new animal at the zoo, it was unnerving. Not wanting to meet their eyes, like usual, I kept my gaze focused on the ground ahead of me.

"Why, do you do that?" Henry said softly,

I glanced sideways at him, and noticed for the first time, that he was a very handsome man.

He had dark brown hair, and light brown eyes, with a smile that was meant to break hearts. He had a strong physique, but also looked really huggable.

"Claire?" He said breaking me out of my trance, with a small smirk on his face, I'd been caught, and he made sure that I knew it.

"I know I can be a great distraction, but please try to stay focused, I wouldn't want you to trip and hurt yourself", I blushed at his words, feeling so embarrassed at being caught, I let my hair cover my face, as I continued to look to the ground.

When we reached the forest Henry stopped suddenly and turned towards me, reaching out his hand as if to place it on my shoulder, but I flinched away before he could make contact.

"I'm sorry" I said softly, feeling so weak, and embarrassed.

I knew that my fear was rational considering what I have been through, but it still made me weak, and I couldn't help but hate a part of myself for it.

"Don't be sorry Claire, there is nothing for you to be sorry about, it was my fault." He said gently, moving a bit closer to me, as I started to shake.

"No, it's His!" I growled angrily, and as I shook, so did the earth beneath my feet, thunder roared above my head, and the wind whipped against my face, but I couldn't calm myself down I was to angry, and even though I knew there was someone close by, I still felt so utterly alone.

I could faintly hear Henry telling me to calm down and relax, but it was so faint that it didn't really register in my head. It was sort of like white noise.

Then suddenly my brother was there, and he was approaching me slowly with ease, even with the ground shaking, and the relentless wind tearing at his clothes. There was something about him, something that centered me.

"Claire" he said, his voice as clear as day, as he moved closer and closer to me.

"Stay away!" I warned him, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt me, and I won't hurt you. We are too connected to each other."

"I don't know how to stop it!" I cried out to him as heavy rain began to fall, and it was then when I realized what it was about him, that was starting to center me. In his eyes, held so much love and adoration, and what surprised me was that he could feel such a strong emotion for someone he hardly knew.

"Stay focused on me, Claire you are not alone anymore okay? You being here is not an accident, you were meant to find me, so we could be a family again. You're not alone Claire, I'm here." He stood in front of me, with his arms stretched wide, and I knew he would catch me if I fell, like I was falling now, drowning in emotions.

"Let it go Claire, let it all go." He said softly, and just like that my anger fled from me, the wind died down, the rain stopped and the sun came back out, like nothing had happened, and I collapsed into my brothers arms.

"You're safe now, I'll keep you safe." He whispered in my ear, and I just held on tighter to him, not wanting him to let go of me.

I must have said that last part out loud, because he squeezed tighter and said "Don't worry, I won't let go of you till you're ready."

After about five minutes I started to separate from him but held on to his hands, and crouched down low to the ground bringing Keith with me. I placed my hands on the ground and whispered to the earth "Heal and be well, I'll give you the love that you need." And just like that, life was given back to the earth, and the grass began to grow, the trees became greener. All the animals, and insects made their presence known with their chatter, and different sounds, it was a beautiful experience, one that I helped create.

"Beautiful" said my brother softly, as he looked around him, "Thank you Claire, you are honestly the best sister a guy could ask for."

I looked up at him shyly and said "Thank you Keith, for making me feel safe again."

Keith smiled at me, helped me to my feet, and hugged me once again, "that is what big brothers are for."

As we walked back to the village, I once again noticed all the people staring at me, but they no longer did held curiosity in their eyes, but fear. That's when I noticed that they were all saying something under their breaths as the looked at me.

So I looked closer, and tried to read their lips. When I realized what they were saying, I gasped and hid behind my brother.

They thought that I was a Witch!


Thank you for all the votes and comments, I am actually surprised that people are liking my story, so thank you guys.

Hint- The more votes and comments I get the earlier I update.

Thanks once again for the support!

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