Chapter 34: A Soul Connection

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A/N I think there has been a glitch on my wattpad account or something but it looked to me that my first update didn't show everything that was written so I split it up into two chapters... sorry if you have already read this!!!
"Don't be nervous Claire, everything will work out" Sienna says when she see's my expression. I give her a nod, in acknowledgement.

We both start setting the table in the dinning room. I put down the plates, while Sienna handled the utensils. We did this for about 10 minutes, and as we were finishing up a question popped up in my mind, one that I had been meaning to ask.


She glanced up from what she was doing, "yeah?"

"Do all wolves mature on their eighteenth birthday?"

"Well normally we mature after our first change, and that usually happens when we turn eighteen."

"But I went through the change before I turned eighteen, why didn't I mature?" I asked confused,

Sienna sighed, and as she spoke we finished up getting the dinning room ready. "I could only guess that you weren't supposed to change as early as you did, your wolf probably recognized that it was needed and came to you mentally, until it was safe for you to change. Your body just needed you to turn 18 before catching up."

"Okay" I breathed a sigh of relief, "So this is normal?"

Sienna laughed "Oh definitely, you are just the average werewolf growing up"

"That's go--"

"Whose an average werewolf!?" Boomed Henry from behind me, rudely cutting me off and scaring the living day light out of me.

It was my turn to glare at someone.

"Henry, that was incredibly rude of you" I said turning to face him, so I could give him a piece of my mind, but once I saw Henry's shocked expression, all of my anger fled, leaving in its wake the feeling of uncertainty.

"Wow Claire, you look..."

"Different? I know. But I still look like me right?" I asked Henry with a bit of desperation in my voice, but he was just staring at me. So I turned to Sienna,

"I still look like me right?" I pleaded, and then softly said, " John will still be able to recognize me right?"

"Claire, you still look like you, just grown up. Don't worry." Sienna said

"Okay" I whispered back, I turned back to Henry, to ask when John would be arriving, but the expression on his face discouraged me. He looked annoyed, with a hint of anger, and for the life of me I couldn't understand why he was upset all of a sudden, and honestly couldn't be bothered, I was to nervous about seeing John again, to care.

"Sienna we're done right? Do we need to place the food on table?" I asked slowly heading toward the stairs,

"No, don't worry" she said walking up to Henry. Sienna then placed her hand on his shoulder, and squeezed aggressively, "Henry here will help me with the rest, isn't that right Henry?"

With a clenched jaw he nodded, staring angrily at the floor.

"Alrighty then, I'll just go freshen up a bit, if you don't mind?"

"No, not at all Claire, they will probably be here soon, go get ready birthday girl" urged Sienna with a smile on her face.

"Thanks, I'll be back down before you know it" and with that I flew up the stairs and back into my room.


I look in the mirror to assess myself one last time before I go downstairs. I had put on a fitted white tank top, that really expressed how my body had changed in just a day. I paired it with a high waisted pair of blue jeans, a pair of knee length caramel coloured boots, and a long caramel coloured cardigan with fitted sleeves. I had straightened my hair and put it in a high ponytail. And even in this style, my long hair still reached the middle of my back. I quite liked my hair.

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