Chapter 1.

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3rd Person POV*
Hinata Woke up by the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He woke up snoozing his alarm clock That it was 6:00am. He Quickly got up To get ready, While thats done He putted on his hair clip. (Yes hinata will be having a h a i r c l i p To make it more Tsundere like and his hair aint Like his original hair but still is still messy a bit) He went downstairs to see his little sisters eating. "Natsu! Goodmorning! Did u sleep well?" "Yes Onii Chan!" Hinata smiled as his sister before kissing her forehead "Onii chans going to school okay? ill Call Emma nee chan To babysit you okay?" Natsu nodded as Hinata Gets on his bike and began paddling.

He reached Karasuno.  He sighed "I wish this is a good school year like last year" He entered karasuno. Alot of people looked at hinata. Hinata didnt really care since it always happens to new students.. Right?

Hinata's POV*
Ugh. Finally i Reached the principals office.. Took long enough. I entered and puton a smile "Ah Hello there! U must be the new student right? I wish u a good school year" He said to me as he handed me my schedule "Thank you!" i said as i bow down and Left The office. My First Class was Science And went on to find what class i was in. i Looked at the classrooms and bumped into someone "Huwah!-"

3rd Person POV*
The student catched hinata when he was about to fell He opened one of his eyes "Ah Im sorry i wasnt looking at my way" ??? Said as he letted go ofcourse not letting hinata fall. "Ahaha... Im really sorry about that. im just havving difficulties finding my class" Hinata said Looking down "What class are you in?" ??? Said to hinata looking at him "Class ____" "Were in the same class lets go.." ???? Took his hand as they walked "L-Let go i can walk by myself i dont even know u yet!" "Kageyama Tobio. Thats my name." Kageyama Gripped tighter onto the boys hands as he walked to their classroom and they were already there. "You idiot! T-That hurted" Hinata said rubbing his Hands "Stay here" Kageyama said as he entered their classroom. Hinata Saw a teacher that was coming to the class he was in "Your must be the new Student right? Im Ms.Ai Please come in when imention your name alright?" Hinata nodded and smiled as Ms.Ai Smiled softly and headed to the class

Ms.Ai's POV*
i walked in the room with alot of chatters. I clapped my hands "Alright! Ears on me! Theres a new student in this class today so treat him well alright? U may come in"

Hinata's POV*
i took a deep breath as i went inside the classroom "Hello!~ Im Hinata Shoyo! I hope we can all be wonderful friends and please treat me well!~" i said with a big smile as i bow down.

3Rd Person POV*
Soon The Class became quiet, Not because of just shoyo's Pretty Amazing voice but his smile was m u a h. "Alright! Please raise your hands if u want to question him anything!" Ms.Ai Interrupted and some of the boys just raised there hands "Whats your Ideal man" The Boy said and Shoyo Blushed Jardly "I-I" Hinata almost go full Tsundere mode but managed to keep calm "I-I dont know.." He said as he fidgeted his fingers still mad about the question. Alot of boys blushed and alot of girls has a bright blush and started fangirling. Ms. Ai chuckled "Alright alright! Go sit to where Huuto kun is! Huuto raise your hand" Huuto raised his hand (Yes he is a h m y oc) And Hinata just took a breath and sat down beside's huuto "Hello there Huuto Kun!" Hinata said with a smile 'Kawaii..' Huuto thought admiring him "Ah.. Good morning hinata chan" Huuto smiled softly.


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