Chapt 3.

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Hinata was a manager of a volleyball club before so he knew what to do, He watches their movements or things that they can Improve on.
The tangerine was seriously focused On the notebook and the players well. Were scared of his glares , Hinata noticed this and he smirked. He still had to soften his glare a little so they wouldnt feel shivers down their spine when hinata glares at them And went back to his duty

The team was finished Training and Hinata goes to get water bottles. Kageyama picked up the notebook he was writing and was shocked, He never saw a really REALLY detailed information, You can really understand everything in the notebook. Hinata came back with the waterbottles.

W : Assult//?
Hinata goes to kageyama and offers him a waterbottle, Suddenly kageyama groped his ass ( did i spell that right?-) "Woah nice ass babe~" Kageyama flirted as his hand was smacked "Im not your babe idiot! You PERVERT!" Hinata Blushed when he said that as he just puts the water in kageyama's hands and proceeds to tanaka and noya

Hinata walked up to the two and handed them their waterbottles (Noya will be around 5'7 so he tall tall And his hair is down :>) Noya And tanaka Accepted the waterbottles hinata thanked the gods- BUT NOPE his buttcheeks got spanked "Nice ass" Said the two on sync, Hinata almost screamed at them but he shrugs it off it go.

The same happened all over again to hinata and honestly the team were well... All perverts, From touching his thigh or even his ass "Y-You all are perverts!" Hinata blushed deep red, Someone sneaked behind him turns out it was tsukishima "Areh?~ Babe we arent that perverted~ just wait till u see alright?" Tsukishima touched hinata's thigh and quickly smacked his hands away "I-Idiot!" Hinata stormed out of the Volleyball gym although theres no backing out now.

"Cute.."All the players thought as they almost got boners from imagining dirty thoughts about the tangerine again. (Seriously This players horny 24/7) As they pack things up to wrap up for the day.

[Valentines day special!]


I looked at the date and saw it was February 14 Which means its valentines day. 'i do have a couple heart hair pins ill wear that instead' I thought as i searched my pins and found it. Before that I took a shower and get ready for the day i went downstairs and greeted natsu and mom "Happy Heart day mom! and natsu ofcourse!" i said as i hugged my mom and picked up natsu also hugging her "Oh my~ im sure my son's gonna get alot of valentines gifts today~" "I agree!" mom and natsusaid as i blushed "N-No im not! a-anyways ill get going now mom and natsu!" "Okay onii chan!" Natsu said as she waved a goodbye to me as i take my bike and paddled of to my school

Hinata Arrived at his school as he parked his bike and go on to his class. Hinata entered the class as he sat down putting his notebooks on his desk. Ms Ai suddenly came in "Alright class! Todays valentines day which meanss you can give your chocolates or gifts to your favourite lover or classmate that you like! it will only be 20 minutes so go ahead!" Ms ai announced and suddenly alot of people Gifted hinata chocolates and gifts which hinata blushed a l o t And there was alot of boys including kageyama and Huuto although alot of people still went to their boyfriends and such


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