Chapt. 4

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Hinata was sitting on his seat with his sketchpad out In his desk, Ofcourse hinata wont be expecting Some roses,Valentines chocolates, Someone walking up to his desk BUT NOPE

Huuto Goes up to his desk and hands him a rose and a chocolate shaped heart "For you Hina Chan~" Hinata flustered at the new nickname "T-Thank y-you Huuto kun" Hinata stuttered as he gladly accepts the roses and chocolates and puts it in his back. Huuto chuckled at the red tangerina as he kissed his cheek and walked away.

Hinata immediately went red 'this i-idiot!' Hinata thought as he calmed himself down. After that two boys approached him and gaved him 2 Roses And 2 Box of chocolates. Turns out it was kageyama and tsukishima "Happy valentines day baby~" Tsukishima said as he kissed his cheek "Happy Valentines day Sweetheart" kageyama kissed his other cheek

Hinata then again flustered at the new nicknames have given to him. He has 3 chocolates and 3 flowers as of now, He puts them in his bag quickly and just smiled. The soon two tall ass boys left and hinata sighed not hoping any other Gifts "3 is enough.." Hinata thought as he got interrupted again and looked at the classrooms door to see his 2 Senpai's Noya and Tanaka

They went up to him and gave him 2 heart shaped box of chocolates and a ring? "Were now married hinata" Noya Happily said "Y-You idiot! We arent even Old yet were just in highschool! B-But ill keep it.." hinata said as he grabbed the ring and putted it on his box and closed it.

"Our Cute Kouhai~" Tanaka said as he left with noya. The Tangerine sighed as he has 3 Flowers and 5 Boxes of chocolates. His bag is filled up already and doesnt want any other Valentines gifts

Thankfully the class ended early so he went to a cafe that he can Study. He entered The Cafe And sat down on one of the tables bringing out papers and his computer (Yes hinata rich rich here) And started working. "Uhm Excuse me but can i sit here?" Hinata startled but said yes to guy, the guy sat down on the opposite side and took out his computer also and papers.

Osamu's POV*

I sat down Ready to work my ass out for today. Good thing atsumu didn't come with me. I looked at the guy i sat with and he looked.. Very Cute.. I couldn't focus but i tried and got a few done 'ill continue the rest in the house..' "Uhm Excuse me do you mind exchanging numbers? if thats fine" I said to the orange haired male but he accepted. We exchanged numbers and i ofcoursely thanked him "Im Miya Osamu" "Hinata shouyo" (is that the spelling of his name?-)

we said our goodbyes as i left the cafe going to the train station.


Hinata continued on his work. He did order a drink and a snack too so he wouldnt really get hungry, and maybe some of the chocolates also. He finished his work as he got ready to leave the cafe and go his home to relax. He pretty much did all the assignments so he can relax for a bit. He putted his stuff on his bag as he goes off to the direction of his house. "Im home!" Hinata said as he takes of his Shoes "ONII CHAN!!!" natsu came up and hugged his brother giving him a warm smile "Natsu!" hinata lifted her up hugging her as he puts her down "Onii chan's tired okay? so onii chan is gonna take a rest" hinata said to natsu as she nodded he went upstairs and sat on his bed 'ill change my clothes later..' hinata thought as he puts his bag on his chair and pulls out his phone to scroll on social media

(Okkkk thats a wrap right there, sorry if i hadn't been able to update last week since family problems so yeah hope you enjoy this Chapter ❤️👀❤️)

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