Chapt. 5

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Hinata was sitting on the bed Scrolling on his phone bored and has nothing to do. Since he did do all his homework he has free time. Then He got interrupted by a call? He picked it up "Uhm Hello?." Hinata said on the ju phone

Turns out it was Osamu who called him "Ah. Is this the hinata i met on the cafe?" "Are you the greyed haired guy...Uhhh Osamu?" Hinata Questioned "Yes i am Osamu. May i ask What school you go to if you dont mind?" Is this guy tryna Mark mah location and kidnap me or smth?! o thought "May i ask why?" "Well i kinda want to meet new people... If thats okay with you though!"

Hinata's POV*

I chuckled lightly as i answered a small 'yes' As i heard him sighed We said our goodbyes and hanged up the call. (They did tell the time and place so dw) i flopped on the bed thinking what the actual hecking heck happening earlier morning as i slowly closed my eyes Sleeping..

The Next Mornin


Hinata woke up pretty early around 5:00am as he got up and goes downstairs ofcourse he had to be quiet because his mom and sister are still sleeping so he made M i l o Waiting for it to be done. After That he grabbed the cup of milo and sat on his couch reading a book a bl kind of book that made his hard go doki doki

He Has no School for today so he Asked kiyoko and yachi to hangout with him. A little Manager hangout would be great. He texted yachi and kiyoko as they both agreed, It was 7:40am at the moment and they were going to his house at 8:30 so he decided to go for a quick shower and Putted on some clothes.

Kiyoko and yachi ranged the bell as hinata goes downstairs to Open the door. He opened the door to see kiyoko and yachi. But there werent 2 of them, They invited noya to come along with them. Hinata just agreed as he proceeds to go outside of the house on their way to the mall. they arrived at their destination as they entered the mall. Suddenly kiyoko pulled hinata onto a womens clothing store and little did hinata know he was in big big trouble.

Turns out kiyoko and yachi will make him wear girl outfits. Probably Skirts, Dresses, Croptops, Shorts Etc. The girls pushed hinata onto the changing room leaving noya there sitting in one of the seats ready to see hinata.

"A-Are you guys s-sure?.." hinata wasnt in his full tsundere mode yet "Ofcourse hinata! No need to be emberassed its just me kiyoko and nishi here you know!" "O-Ok then here it goes..." hinata slowly walked out of the dressing room in a skirt and a croptop with some high stockings. The skirt And croptop and the shoes were purple/Violet themed

Noya looked at hinata and got a boner immediately, "Please Excuse me for the moment as i need to go to the bathroom.." Nishinoya said. "OH ok then nishinoya go ahead we will wait for you here" kiyoko said as he saw him running to the bathhroom

'This guy is probably thinking of how i look like when i get fucked, This idiot! pervert pervert!' Hinata said on his mind as he clutches his skirt pulling it down since it was really short on how it looked. Some guys were even looking at hinata blushing as they passed through the store.


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