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Needle's POV

Needle kicked the tree in frustration, accidentally stubbing her toe in the process. She'd been hitting it with the axe for the past fifteen minutes and she hadn't made a single cut.
"Can I get some help over here?" She called out angrily. Loser jogged over to her. He'd already cut down two trees. Somehow.

"What do you need?" The golden cube asked.
Needle pointed to the tree marked with several shallow dents from when she had hit it. "Help."
"Well first of all, from where you've been hitting it, it would fall right onto Pin if you managed to cut it down."
Oh, I guess it's good that I'm failing at this.
Loser led Needle to the other side of the tree. "Chop it on this side instead."
"Show me how you've been hitting it."
Needle swung the axe into the side of the tree, where it simply bounced off, leaving a tiny dent in the bark.
"You need to chop it at an angle. Like this." Loser guided her hands so they were set at an angle. "Then, you want to swing all the way through. Don't stop once you hit the tree."

Needle swung again, this time taking Loser's tips in mind. It hit the tree, and miraculously, it made a cut. "Yess! Thanks Loser!"
"No problem! It's just my duty to help my fellow team members." He walked away.
Needle chopped at the tree a couple more times. It was a rather thin tree, so soon enough, it had fallen to the ground.

Coiny's POV

Man, digging holes with your bare hands is tiring. Nobody on the team had gotten a shovel from the pile of supplies, so they were forced to dig with their hands. Coiny, Firey, Clock, and Eggy were in a line and digging the trench. Clock and Eggy were having a hard time digging, due to the fact that they don't have arms.

Coiny climbed out of the hole to give his arms a break. He took the time to look around the arena and see what the other teams were up to. Half of Team iance were just sitting around and talking, while the others were nowhere to be seen. Everyone from A Better Name Than That were looking around through the forest while Golf Ball shouted orders at them. Team Death PACT was also working on a shelter, it looked somewhat like a lopsided log tipi. Most of the other teams looked pretty busy too, and Coiny decided that The Losers were working at a good pace. He kneeled down to start digging again. The trench was pretty big, probably around 4 feet long on all sides. Coiny figured it was almost big enough to house all the Losers.
They had all been working in an awkward silence, so Coiny decided to try and strike up a conversation.
"Hey." He said, looking at Firey.

"This is pretty tiring," Coiny said. God this is so awkward I regret this already I barely even talk to him he probably still hates me-
"Yeah." The flame agreed.


"You wanna take a quick break? You've been working this whole time."
"I dunno. Maybe."
Coiny stood up. "Come, let's go see if there's anything else we can do besides digging." He held his hand out to him. Firey hesitated for a moment before ignoring Coiny's gesture and standing up himself.


"So what should we do?" The flame asked.
"Hm." Coiny thought for a moment. "Maybe we could go explore the woods, and see if we could find something useful? We could also check on how the others are doing."
"Lets go!"

Firey's POV

Coiny grabbed Firey's hand. He felt a small chill down his spine as the coin touched him. Coiny ran off, pulling the flame along behind him. He led him over to where the other half of their team was working.
"Sup guys!" Coiny greeted them, coming to a halt next to Pin.
"Hey! Did you guys finish digging the hole?"
"Almost, I figured we'd let Clock and Eggy finish it, since it's almost big enough."
"Cool, cool."
"We came to see how you guys were doing." Firey said.
"We're pretty much done, I think. We have enough logs to cover the hole." Cake said, walking over to the group. He sounded pretty out of breath.
"That's good."
"Would you mind helping us carry the logs back over to the hole?"
"Not at all." Firey and Coiny ran over to one of the fallen trees and each held up one end, and hauled it over to where Clock and Eggy were waiting. Pin and Needle carried another, and so did Loser and Cake.

Pin's POV

They all dropped the logs next to the trench, where Clock and Eggy were sitting around silently.
"Oh good, you're all back." Eggy said, standing up.
"Yeah." The thumb tack said, slightly out of breath from carrying the tree.
The trees were pretty tall, and if they were laid over the hole as they were right now, there would be a lot of extra wood being wasted since the trench they dug wasn't nearly as big. "Ok, so now I think we should cut the tree trunks into shorter pieces so they fit right over the hole without being too long. Then we can save any extra wood for later, in case we need it."
"That sounds like a good idea." Coiny agreed.
So they did just that.

Once they had the logs cut up into shorter pieces, they rolled them over the hole. They fit perfectly. Pin felt a sense of triumph in her chest, and she smiled.
"So how do we get in." Loser asked.
"Oh. right-" Pin pondered on the thought for a moment. "How about we dig a short tunnel that we can use to crawl down into the shelter?"

"-Good idea!!!!1!1!" The Losers heard an all-too-familiar, enthusiastic voice behind them. Pin spun around to see, of all contestants, Leafy standing right behind the border to The Losers' section of the field, waving her hand around frantically.
"Leafy? Why aren't you helping your team?" Pin asked, slowly walking over towards her.
"Oh, I was just checking out what everyone was doing and complimenting them to make them feel better about themselves."
"Okay, bye now!" She skipped away back towards the rest of team Beep.
Okay then.. Pin walked back towards the rest of her team.

While she had been distracted, they had finished digging a tunnel, and Loser was crawling down to test it out. He disappeared inside of it, and a few moments later poked his head out, giving a thumbs up.
"It's cool down here, there's plenty of room too!" The rest of the team followed after him, Pin coming down last.
It was a little cramped with all 8 team members down there, just barely enough room to stretch out your arms and legs. It was very dim inside- Firey gave off a soft glow, and a tiny bit of daylight peeked through the cracks between the logs in the roof. But overall, Pin thought it was a pretty good shelter. She made a mental note to cover up the cracks in the roof with something so water didn't leak inside if it rained.

They had successfully made a shelter.

Anyways I tried to make this chapter a little longer, and I think I succeeded... kind of. It's still pretty short but whatever. It's weird because it feels longer while you're writing it but when you read it it's short as fuck. Also it switches povs too much hngh
Also I've had this chapter done for nearly a week but I kept forgetting to upload it hswiwijdhwg sorry lmao
Anyways see you guys in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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