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Cake's POV

Cake's heart was pounding, and felt butterflies in his stomach. It had occurred to him that there would definitely be some violence, since that would be the best way to be the last team standing. After all, it was the last team standing. Violence was clearly the suggested theme.

This is it, he thought. We can win this challenge. We have Loser.


Cake ran off towards the center immediately. Needle got there first, closely followed by Firey. Once he reached the pile, there were many other contestants from other teams already there. He quickly grabbed something that looked like a sack of potatoes. Near him, Pin had grabbed several water bottles and some sort of gun. Firey held a small axe and a backpack, and was reaching for something else. There was a lot of shouting going on around him. Cake's eyes caught a bundle of firewood, and reached for it. As soon as he touched it, someone else's hand grabbed it.

"Wh-" Cake froze. "S- sorry, y-" Before he could finish his sentence, the object yanked the bundle towards them before Cake had let go, dragging him forwards as well. Cake pulled the bundle towards himself to counter, but the other object yanked it away again, this time pulling it out of Cake's grasp. They ran off, the firewood in their clutches

It's okay, he thought nervously. It's just some wood. There's plenty around. Cake didn't trust himself with weapons, so he decided to look for something like food instead. He eyed a pile of water canteens on the other side of the pile of supplies, so he ran over to grab it.

Needle's POV

Needle had been the first person to reach the supplies, so she had an advantage and could get the best items. She grabbed everything she could, not stopping to check what it was. More and more people started reaching the pile, and Needle became more cautious. She must have been holding something useful, because Blocky ran up and pushed her to the side, almost causing her to lose her balance and fall over.

"Hey!" Needle lost her grip on a blanket and a lighter. They fell to the ground and Blocky grabbed them quickly before running off.

A little startled, Needle looked up to see how her teammates were doing. Coiny was holding a large shield, and he was having a lot of trouble carrying it, by the looks of it. She spotted Cake across from her, holding a few bottles of water. Behind him, an object was holding a thick plank of wood, and was raising it, as if they were about to hit him over the head.

"Cake, watch out!" Needle raced over to him and pulled him out of the way before he could even process what was going on. Book, the attacker, swung the wood where he had just been standing, accidentally hitting someone else instead.

"Like, ow!" They exclaimed.

She swept her gaze across the field. A few members of A Better Name Than That were playing an intense game of tug of war with Death PACT over a backpack. Gelatin threw a fork into someone's back, making them drop what they were holding and yell out in pain. Someone had tackled Clock, who refused to give up his items. Firey ran over to them and pulled the attacker off of him. Pin had joined Coiny, helping him transport his stuff away from the pile. They had set both of their supplies onto the shield and together carried it back to the edge of the forest.

Along with Pin and Coiny, contestants from other teams had begun to retreat, either because their hands were full, or they had been injured. The pile was nearly empty, too.

"We should go." Needle said to Cake.

"I agree." He said nervously.

Firey grabbed Clock and ran away from the middle as well.

Once all the Losers had left the rather violent battleground, they piled everything they had gotten. Eggy ended up staying behind, so she didn't get anything. Needle dropped her stuff.

"I got a couple pieces of fabric, a box of crackers, a backpack, and a bow. I didn't see any arrows around though." She opened the backpack and turned it upside down. A box of matches, a coil of rope, and a bag of sunflower seeds fell out. "And this stuff."

"Nice," Coiny commented, still sounding a little out of breath. "That's a lot of stuff."

Pin's POV

"-And I got some granola bars, a blanket, and these weird purple berries." Clock said, dropping his stuff. He was the last one to show what he had collected.

Pin stood up. "Those are yoyleberries. So anyways, we got a reasonable amount of supplies. I say we come up with a game plan. We'd survive much longer with one, in my opinion."

"I agree." Loser said.

"So what is the plan?" Eggy asked, sounding a little impatient.

Pin thought for a moment. "Well, first off, is anyone hurt?"

"I got beat up a little, but I'll be fine." Clock said.

"I twisted my ankle while I was bringing my stuff back." Added Coiny hesitantly. "It's a little harder to walk, but it should be better soon."

Pin took a moment to think of the most logical next step. Maybe some sort of shelter? Firey can't survive out in the rain, and I doubt anyone would enjoy getting soaked and cold. "Okay, since none of us were injured too bad, our main focus should be on creating a shelter." The others nodded their heads in agreement. Pin paused to think of how exactly they'd make one in the first place. "Does anyone have any ideas on how exactly we should make one?"

"Maybe we could use this basket," Loser suggested, holding it up.

"Not sturdy enough." Pin replied.

Firey spoke up. "Maybe we could dig a trench of some sort, and then cover it with logs? It would be pretty sturdy and efficient.. I think.."

"That could work!" Pin looked at her team. "How about Loser, Needle, Cake, and I go cut down some trees, and the rest of you dig a hole somewhere." Pin picked up the two axes that her teammates had collected from the pile.


"Sounds good!"

The Losers! Expressed their agreement and got to work.


I don't know how to end chapters I'm sORRY. Anyways Pin commits team leader. Sorry for not updating this in a whole month lol but I'm trying my best to upload as much as I can. Also I TRIED to make this chapter longer but I haven't updated this in a while so I just posted what I had instead of adding more and taking longer to make it.

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