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Coiny's POV

    Coiny and the rest of his team were lounging around nearby Cloudy's collection, trying to make each other laugh. Pin was rolling around on her back, howling with laughter after something Firey had said.

    "Okay, okay. My turn!" Needle shouted over Pin's cackling. She waited for Pin to stop laughing, so that everyone was silent. She stared at Coiny and waited for a few moments, before standing up and yelling "OBJECTS I'VE SHOVED UP MY ARSE!" This earned the group a few odd looks from other contestants.
Coiny put a hand over his mouth and smiled, but didn't laugh.
    "Aw man, that used to get him every time!" Clock said. Needle kneeled down and whispered in Coiny' ear:
    "Christmas edition."
    "Pffft-" Coiny chuckled, smiling.
    "AHA! Yeeesss!" Needle cheered, high-fiving Firey, who had first said that joke a couple months ago.

    Cake stood up next. "I choose Clock," he stated, looking at the round object. He opened his mouth to make him laugh, but before he could say another word, a familiar yell rang out across the grounds.
    "Everyone! It's time for this week's competition!"

    Coiny and the rest of the Losers! all stood up and made their way towards the center of the grounds, where Four and X were standing.
Once everyone was gathered around, Four said something nobody expected.

"Make some room, because all eliminated contestants are going to be returning to the game!"
    Shouts of protest, surprise, and happiness rung out from the crowd. Without saying another word, Four brought all the contestants in the EXIT back to the outside world. They looked around, seeming a bit confused.
    "But why would you do that?" One contestant called from the crowd.
    "For a reason."
    "Clarification please!" Yelled out another.
    "Rejoined contestants, please return to your original team!" Four called, ignoring all the questions being shot at them.
    "We will give you a few minutes to settle in before we announce the challenge. It's an exciting one for sure!" X said with a smile.

     The contestants shuffled quickly over to their teams, and were greeted by the team members that hadn't been eliminated yet.      Loser and Eggy were the only contestants eliminated from The Losers! so far, and as they walked over towards Coiny and the others, they smiled and waved.
     "Look who's back!" Eggy said, smiling.
     "Eggy!" Leafy smiled. "Hi!"
     Coiny smiled at the two. "Welcome back!"

     "Leafy," Four's voice silenced the team.
     "Hm?" The lemon leaf asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
     "You have to go back to team Beep." They pointed towards the group of objects gathered on the other side of the contestant grounds.
     "Aw, alright then," She frowned. "Bye you guys!" She smiled at The Losers! and walked away.
     "Bye Leafy!" Coiny called out to her. The others waved, except for Firey, who just watched her leave silently. Coiny frowned at the flame for a moment.
     He felt a tap on his shoulder, so he turned around to look at who had been trying to get his attention. It was Pin.
     "I still don't understand why Four brought back the eliminated contestants."  Said the red thumb tack.
     Coiny shrugged. "They said it was for a reason"
     "Yeah, but they're not really giving any further information."
     "I dunno." Pin had a point though - heh, point -- Four was being very vague about the whole situation.
     "They probably just didn't see the need to elaborate." Pin said. She sounded very uncertain. Coiny nodded. Suddenly, a shout rang out across the field.

     "It's competition time!"

Hi so new story lol
I haven't had the motivation to write another chapter for my group chat book in a long time but I'm hoping to update this one more often.
I hope y'all have a good day/night

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