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Firey's POV

Firey looked up to see Four standing on a picnic table, with one hand curled into a fist held above their head. The number snapped their fingers, and Firey heard a quick whirring sound. The ground began to tremble a bit. There was a flash of light, which blinded the flame for a few moments. When his eyes adjusted back to normal, there was an enormous, iridescent, geometric dome surrounding the area. It was huge, it could probably fit the entire forest surrounding the contestant grounds inside. He heard the surprised gasps of other contestants, and Firey instinctively took a couple steps towards the nearest person, who happened to be Coiny.

    Everyone seemed to be a little startled and intimidated by the new structure surrounding them.

    "This is a force field!" Four announced. "You cannot pass through it, it will shock you if you try."

    The contestants started to mutter to themselves.

    "Why in the world would we need a force field?" Firey asked to nobody in particular.

    "This isn't concerning at all." Pin stated, looking up at the clear dome above them.

    "I wonder how far we can go into the forest before the force field blocks us from going any farther," Needle thought aloud, staring out into the woods surrounding the field.

    "Well, the force field looks huge, so we could probably go pretty deep into the forest." Firey said.

    "I will split the field into eight equal sections. Each team gets one part." Four snapped their fingers, and colored, nearly transparent barriers flickered into view, creating eight parts. "You can pass through these barriers without a problem." The numeral stated, waving their hand through one to support their statement. Then, inside each part, holographic beacons featuring each team's logo appeared. "Whichever part has your team logo is your piece of the field. The forest surrounding the field is part of the game, but does not belong to anyone."

    "So why are you doing this anyway? Why does each team have a piece of the field? Why is there a force field? Why does any of this exist?" An annoyed voice yelled out from team iance.

    "I'm getting there." Four replied angrily. "You all have to survive on your own, without any help from me or X, and in a limited space."

    "That doesn't seem too challenging," Coiny whispered beside him. Firey just shrugged.

    "I will put a large pile of starting supplies in the middle of the grounds where all parts meet."

    "Why do we have parts for each team? Why can't we just camp anywhere?"

    "You're going to want it later!" X said enthusiastically.

    They have to stop being so vague. Firey thought, mildly annoyed.

    "Contestants, please report to your team's section of the arena!"

    The Losers! shuffled over to the section that featured the projection of their team logo. Once all teams were in place, Four snapped their fingers once again, and a pile of stuff appeared in the center of the arena.

    "The challenge starts in thirty seconds." Four said.

    "Okay, team!" Pin said loudly. "There's only a limited amount of starting supplies, so we need to grab as much as we can. Food and water is essential. Tools and weapons would be awesome."

"Weapons?" Cake asked quietly.

"We have Firey, so we don't need a lighter." Pin continued, ignoring Cake.

"20 seconds."

"Be careful, because other people will try to grab the same stuff. It could get rough."

"Are we all going to the middle? Some of us are pretty fragile." Eggy asked.

"All of us going would mean we get more supplies, but if you're too scared, you don't have to, I guess."

"Hey, I'm not scared! I just don't wanna-"

"10 seconds!"

Firey eyed the pile of supplies carefully. He could see a small axe resting against a backpack. He thought it'd be smart to grab both. On the other side of the pile, there was a large jug of water, and he shuddered. Someone could easily throw that over him and kill him, instantly. I'll stay away from there, he told himself.


"We got this, team!" Loser cheered.


"We got this!" Pin said, nervousness edging her voice.


Firey felt a sudden rush of adrenaline coursing through him, making his heart beat faster.


Relax, Firey, relax.



Hi, sorry that this chapter was pretty short and boring. It's gonna get more exciting, and I'm going to try and make the chapters longer. I'm trying to get a chapter out at least once a week, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick to a schedule very well. Oh, also, you guys seem to like my art, and if you'd like to see more, I'm very active on Instagram. My name is ashenxfall. Oh, and I'll try to update that group chat book soon. It got super popular and I feel bad for ignoring it.

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