Heartbroken/Angry Parent #3

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I can't believe they actually did it. I had gotten the emails and phone calls, but I hadn't thought they would follow through. Keenan was two years old. Jenny was seven. Emmie was nine. Sarah was fifteen. They took Keenan. They took my only son. I hadn't told my kids. I hadn't really understood. Sarah didn't speak to me for weeks. My husband tried to take the two younger girls with him in the divorce. That was when Sarah decided to start talking with me again. She couldn't stand to lose her other siblings too. It all started when that stupid man came to my house.

I had been upstairs. Sarah had answered the door. I heard an ear shattering scream. I was downstairs in an instant. A stubby little man in a strange uniform stood in the doorway holding a stack of papers. Sarah stood in the living room, holding a crying Keenan. The man seemed relieved when I walked in. He started talking about emails and preparation and goodbyes. My husband was at work. Sarah took Keenan into the kitchen to call her father. I tried my best not to panic. Emmie poked her head out of the room she shared with Jenny. "Mommy, Jenny threw up." I took the opportunity to escape from that nightmare.

The man was very patient. He walked us through the details. My Keenan was going with him. He couldn't tell us why they were taking him or where, but he told us everything he could. Sarah flatly refused to give him Keenan. We waited until my husband came home so he could say goodbye. He asked for a divorce on the spot. It wasn't until well after the man had left with my son that the tears began to fall.

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