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recap: Y/n has a great time on the beach with Will.

tw: swearing/doxx threats/panic attack

y/n pov

I have been laying in bed staring at the ceiling for quite a while, my brain was tired from the emotional overload caused by recent events.

"Wow, myself a year ago would be proud of myself. A year ago I was convinced I was going to be single and working a 9 to 5 job for the rest of my shitty life. Now, I'm dating my celebrity crush and considering streaming as a full-time career."

I rolled over to my side to check the time.

12:57am, displayed in bold. I wasn't tired, so I decided to scroll through my instagram DMs. Maybe reply to some fans.

Tears of happiness filled my eyes as I scrolled through hundreds of messages.

"You're my biggest inspiration"

"I wanna be like you one day"

"I'd like to meet you so bad"

I smiled so much during it, listening to my favorite playlist. Just as "Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys started playing I noticed a strange message from someone named Jared.

jaredsupremacylol yesterday at 8:34pm

hey remember me darling

i know u do

we had a bit of fun a few years ago at that one party

y/s/nlive today at 1:24am

excuse me?

I was really surprised and didn't know what the guy was talking about. That being said, I entered his profile. Mostly pics from parties and stuff, but one stood out to me the most. His face was clearly visible and I could see his black, medium length hair and black eyes.

And then, it struck me.

It was the guy from the party. The one that was the leader of the pack of men that assaulted me that night.

y/s/nlive today at 1:26 am

wtf r u doing in my dms after doing that to me

After a few minutes, he responded.

jaredsupremacylol today at 1:31 am

I actually happen to know your exact location right now.

Is it (address) by any chance? I'm actually 6 minutes away, you know, I'm actually here to visit some friends.

Speechless, I didn't know what to say. How did he manage to know? I didn't also know how to deal with a situation like that.

y/s/nlive today at 1:32 am



jaredsupremacylol today at 1:32 am

I also know that you're with that little streamer boyfriend of yours.

I'm 4 minutes away. I expect you to come down, bring anyone I don't really care since I'm on a boxing team now. If you're not there remember I know yours and Wilbur's address and I have the power to doxx you <33

I started heavily crying and could hardly breathe.

wilbur pov

I was editing a video for my youtube channel when I heard Y/n sobbing. I had no idea what was happening so I quickly got up and went to check up on her.

I found her uncontrollably shaking. I came closer, sat on the bed, and wrapped my arms around her. It hurt to see her like this. It really did hurt.

Despite my attempts to calm her down I could still sense the unbelievably large amount of stress and anxiety. I hugged her tightly and said "Calm down Y/n, take it easy, you're with me. I'll protect you." After a second I added "What happened?"

She showed me her phone screen. As I stared at it with shock I tried to figure out what to do.

"We're going there Y/n.  Nothing will happen to you and I will make sure of it." I explained in an assuring manner, "Go get dressed, I'll call the police for harassment."

She picked up some clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom to change, just as I said. When she came back I was already in the middle of my conversation with the police. I hung up after a moment and remarked; "Let's go, we don't have much time. There will be units coming in a few minutes.

Y/n looked out of the window and saw a tall muscular black haired man.

We headed out the door.

"Y/n, huh? Long time no see." - he smirked.

"Pardon?"- Y/n muttered trying her best to hide her panic attack.

All of this made me want to push him off a cliff if there was one available. To be honest I thought he deserved a mention in one of the songs I'll make in the future.

"What do you want?" - Y/n added, breaking the silence.

"Well, I think we should finish what we once did. Also I wanted to inform you that I'll doxx you anyways, now that you've confirmed that it's your real address." - Jared cheered.

Y/n was hardly even able to stand right now. I knew I needed to do something and so I comforted her quietly "Shh, you're safe. Go sit down on the front stairs, the police will be here really really soon."

"Get the fuck out man, you're really gonna regret this" - I demanded.

"And what if I don't? You're gonna fight me little anxious boy? You're not even built to beat someone up. Skinny as fuck." - Jared remarked with a bit of pity in his voice.

I felt ashamed of my past. My ED and depression and other mental illnesses. Y/n didn't know about them.

I was about to beat the hell out of him when I saw the police car. Two of the cops ran out of the vehicle and held the muscular man by his hands in the back while the third one came over to talk to us. As I showed her Y/n's messages he questioned;

"Harrasment? Address leaking? Jesus christ, I'd never handle that mentally."

After a moment of talking about all the stuff that happened he exclaimed:

"Wait, my daughter watches someone called Wilbur and Y/s/n. She could talk about it for hours. You two remind me of them, is that you by any chance?"

I could feel my body warm up in happiness.

"Yeah, in fact we are! I'm actually flattered." - I chuckled.

"I'm sorry if that's weird but could you record a video saying "Happy birthday Annie" and some wishes? This would be an amazing birthday present for her and it's today."

I said sure and he handed me the phone. Y/n stood behind me and managed to hide her emotions for a moment and so we recorded it.

"Thank you so much, she will be so happy! Probably spamming your messages later." he giggled at his own joke.

The legal stuff was done in around 10 minutes, and so me and Y/n headed back home.

We changed back into our pajamas and just as I was about to go in my room she asked me:

"Weird question, but can I sleep with you tonight? I'm pretty traumatized after what happened."

I happily agreed and we went into my room. We slid under the covers together and Y/n placed her head on my chest; it slowly transitioned to cuddling. Seeing her peacefully falling asleep on me made me admire the things I have.

authors note

Longest chapter so far, over 1k words!! Also, thank you for 3.8k+ reads, I'd never expect to pass 1k in the first place.

I've came up with a plan for the rest of the chapters; there will be 9 more of them and the last one, part 20, will be published on March 1st. :))

join my discord losers

Stay safe,

xo hannah <33

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