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recap: y/n and will spend the rest of their week with their friends. george and dream kiss

y/n pov

As we were dropping off our friends at the airports, we were enjoying our last drive with them for a while. Singing our hearts out and occasionally hitting the right notes.

Goodbye, Quackity.

Goodbye, Niki.

Goodbye, Minx.

Goodbye, Fundy.

Eret and Techno had already left the day before. Soon enough, everyone would be gone and it would be just me and Will, and the Dream Team living in Brighton for the summer.

As I saw the last person leave, I sighed. Yes, I did finally get to be alone but after all, they were all my friends and I wasn't going to see them for at least a few months.

On the way home it was just me and Will in one car and Nick in the other. We left Clay and George home, but Nick insisted on coming because he didn't want to third-wheel. We were all really happy for them because they had just started dating yesterday and seemed to finally enjoy their lives to the fullest.

We got home and saw Dream and George watching a movie on the couch in each other's arms. We didn't want to disrupt them so we quietly went up to my room and started streaming.

The stream went really well, and we peaked at 92k viewers. Sapnap went to get something to eat and Will stayed in the room with me. I decided to check my email, which I hadn't done in a few days. Most of them were collab proposals, but one caught my eye.

VidCon Vienna, November 25th (current year)

Greetings Y/s/n,

We have been watching your growth for the past month and would like to offer you a creator pass and a panel on this year's VidCon.

If you're interested in coming, please contact our team at (XXX XXX XXX) or


The VidCon Team

I couldn't believe my eyes. I only started blowing up a month ago and I was already invited to a convention?


Will got closer and scanned the letter carefully.

"Congratulations!! That's huge!!"

"I know, right! Did you get one too?"


"It's in Vienna, though. You know what that means." - My facial expression became more serious.

"Mhm" - he started. - "And I'm ready to face my past in a healthy way now. I have you."

I smiled and kissed him.

"It's gonna be alright"

We went downstairs to ask Sapnap and George if they got one, and they did. Dream didn't get one as expected since he couldn't appear at a convention when people didn't know what he looked like. This time however, he was asked for virtual presence on the Dream SMP panel, which meant we could all go to Vienna together.

I raised the subject on the groupchat, to which I got both responses saying they got invited and they didn't. I felt bad for the ones who didn't and joyful for those who did. It turned out we would be seeing Alex, Niki, Tommy, Tubbo and Phil. I was really excited even though there was over 3 months left until the event.

I felt it was just the beginning of my streaming career, even though my Twitch grew from 14k to 450k in just a month. I became the fastest growing content creator, which felt surreal to me.

And it all started with a raid.

One single raid.

I got too emotional really quickly, and before I knew it there were tears in my eyes. Since I was in Wil's arms, they dropped on his shirt which caused him to notice.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here"

He pulled me even closer to him and it gave me a feeling of comfort. I fell asleep shortly after.

[time skip a few days]

The Dream Team was moving out of our house to their rented one, and honestly I was relieved since I finally got to have some time alone with Will. At the same time however, I was also glad that Dream and Sapnap weren't flying back to the States and staying here for over a month.

We were visiting them and eating dinner together. After a few minutes of silence, Clay finally broke it, saying,

"I have an announcement to make, oh wait no- a question."

We all nodded and he turned to George.

"George, will you be my boyfriend?"

George sat there, clearly shocked but in a positive way.

"Most certainly, Dream." - he exclaimed.

"God, I love you."

They ran to one of the rooms and locked themselves in it.

"You should probably get going" - Nick said, looking at me and Wilbur. - "Not sure if you wanna witness what's going to happen"

We both chuckled and following his advice, we left the house and drove to ours. We spent the evening watching the whole "Hunger Games" series and enjoying ourselves. (red led lights were turned on😁👊)

(a/n woah woah woah this is not a smut and i do not plan on writing it)

Over the next few months, I had my ups and downs. With being a big creator came tons of supportive messages, but also a surreal amount of hate.

Since I was rather a sensitive person, I unintentionally let the hate get to me. Given that people were telling me I was a fat whore, I had a relapse of my ED, which lasted 2 months and would've lasted way longer if it wasn't for Will being by my side in all of the shit I was going through.

Dream and I maintained a happy relationship, even though he was madly in love with George. George, on the other hand, understood that I was really important to him so he was perfectly okay with us being close. When the time of him and Nick going back to America, George insisted on coming with them, and so he did.

It was November 1st and the day of our reunion in Vienna was getting closer and closer everyday. We were all looking forward to it, and already planning what we were going to do. The ones who didn't get invited were still going as VIP guests, so the whole group would be there.

I thought about my future with Wil a lot. A lot. He was the perfect man, one I had in my dreams; who thought it would all start on Twitch, though?

authors note <3

if you liked the chapter, remember to vote!!
only 2 chapters and an epilogue left.
i love you guys, honestly, i love you so much. every person who decided to read this. thank you.
i'll be writing some imagines when i finish, as a break from "serious" writing
thank you for the never ending support,

xo hannah

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