Chapter 11

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"I've thought all week about your proposal," Lady Tsunade said.


"I've decided to allow you to go, but please be careful."

I smiled. "Thank you, Lady Tsunade. You are aware that you won't hear from me much, right?"

She nodded. "I've assessed your entire plan, and I think it could work."

I nodded. "I'll leave within the next three days," I said before walking out of the office.


It took two days for me to get everything ready for me to leave. That day, I got everything in order and left a note in Naruto's room. I got some ramen, and I spend a bit of time with all of my friends.

On the second day, I spent the whole day with Kakashi. That night, when he finally fell asleep, I slipped out of his arms and finally left.


"P-Please you dont have to do this!"

"Do you know the whereabouts of a group called then Akatsuki?"

"N-no! Never heard of the-" In one swift motion, I slit his throat, then kicked his body to the side and walked away.


It took about a week for them to find me. Since the day I left the village, I've been killing people in order to find them, or gain their attention at least. I travelers all the way to the land of wind when they finally found me.

"Hey!" An obnoxious voice exclaimed.

I whipped my head around and activated my Kurome. "Who the hell are you?!" I growled.

"Woah! I'm not sure if I should be turned on or scared. The names Hidan."

"So? Tell me what you want or I'll kill you."

He chuckled. "I'd love to see you try sweetheart!"

"Hidan, we don't have time for this," another guy said, who I didn't even notice until he spoke. "Are you that girl that's been killing people in these parts?"

I glanced down at the dead woman at my feet and shrugged. "Possibly. What do you want?"

"Haven't you heard of us? Red clouds... black cloak.. We're the Akatsuki, and we're here to recruit you."


I raised an eyebrow. "Recruit me? Why would you want to do that?"

"Our leader ordered us to get you. We don't ask questions, just so the job," the man who wasn't Hidan said.

I paused for a moment. "Alright. I wanna talk to your leader before I join."

"That's what we're here for, sweet cheeks."

I deactivated my Kurome and nodded. "alright. Where do we meet your boss at?"

"It's a two-day trip."


"So, tell me about those freaky eyes of yours," Hidan said.

"My clans Kekkai Genkai called the Kurome. Means black eyes, which fits pretty well."

"What does it do?"

"Depends. Amplifies my physical abilities and chakra, gives me the power to see other people's memories, and show mine, plus," I paused. "Other stuff."

"Other stuff?"

"Mhm," I said.

"Ah, right. You're from the leaf, right? So, you know Itachi?"

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