Chaptee five

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After that, I couldnt go back to sleep. I just laid there and cried myself into dehydration. God, I miss him so much. I rolled over and looked at my clock.


I sighed and sat up. I promised Naru we would hang out today, I never break a promise. So, I picked myself up out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower and put on black tights and a thin, black longsleeved shirt and my ninja shoes. I put my wet hair up into a bun and headed out of the door.

When I arrived at the school, there were a few kids there talking and stuff, but Naruto wasn't there. I went inside and sighed. He was being scolded by Iruka AGAIN.

"Hey, guys. What did you do this time Naru?" I said. They both looked at me.

"_-____ you look.. nice." Iruka stuttered with a light blush as he obviously stared at my chest. 'Jeez remind me to never wear something tight and slightly see-through' I thought.

"Hey, eyes up! Don't stare at my sister!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I- You!- Don't change the subject!"

I chuckled and shook my head. "What did you do this time?" I asked Naru with an eye raise.

"All I did was show Sensei my new jutsu."

"Which was very...inappropriate!"

I chuckled. "Show me the jutsu Naru," I said.

"B-But" He sighed and did the hand signs. "Sexy jutsu!" He exclaimed then there was a cloud of smoke and standing there, was me, but half-naked. Iruka choked on nothing and blood exploded from his nose.

"Naruto..." I said with a glare. "Why would you even-"

"Iruka sensei is always staring at you and blushing around you, and he always let you get your way!  So I thought, If I could look like you then he would let me get my way too!"

I sighed and shook my head. "Iruka, why don't you let me handle his punishment okay?"

Iruka nodded as he stuffed tissues into his nose. "Sorry for the trouble he caused," I said before kissing his cheek and dragging Naruto out of the class by his ear.

"Ow ow ow!"

"How do you come up with all this bullshit? I-I mean... stuff." I said before letting go of his ear and smacking the back of his head.

Naruto shrugged and put his hands into his pockets. I shook my head. "It's fine," I said as I ruffled his hair. He looked up at me and smiled. "You just... you're just good at finding creative ways to get people to notice you. I was the same way when I was your age."

"Who said that I wanted attention?" Naruto said with a slight scoff.

"Your actions," I said as I started walking away. "C'mon. We have places to be, and I want dangos!" I exclaimed. Naruto laughed lightly and followed me. I got us some dangos and then we continued our journey.

"I was thinking... and I want you to meet someone very, very important to me."

"Oooo is it the guy you went on a date with?"

"What?- No! How did you even-" I groaned.

Naruto chuckled. "So who is this person?"

"Hmm... How about I tell you a story? It's a bit of a walk anyway."

"A story? I thought you were gonna tell me about- oohhh," Naruto said.

I chuckled and rubbed his head. "Once upon a time, there was a girl. Let's call her... Red. Red was at the top of her class in the academy, Along with her future teammate, White. White... white was like Sasuke. He didn't really care about anyone else in his class, except for red. White liked red."

I glanced over at Naruto, and he nodded to show he was following along. "Red was friends with everyone in her class, but she had no family, no one there to look out for her, so ultimately she felt lonely. Red would pull silly pranks on her teachers and friends out of boredom, but also because she craved attention."

"So red was like me?"

"Uh.. yea kind of like you, except she didn't do pranks as... extravagant as yours."

"Extrava- what?" I giggled. "Anyways. It was obvious that almost every boy in her class liked Red. And every girl in their class liked white, with one exception. Red liked orange. Orange... orange was a lot like you. Sweet, goofy, smart, kind, and he wanted to be Hokage too. He was just... a ball of sunshine, just like you. You could even go as far as to say that Red loved orange... but Orange liked purple, and Purple liked white. "

"Wow," Naruto said.

"Crazy I know. Eventually, White, red, purple, and orange were put on a team together. The first four-man genin squad ever. White and Orange didn't really like each other, they were rivals. As time went on, Red's feelings for orange grew, and she realized she really did love him, even with his flaws. She would do anything to protect him and be there for him, but Orange liked purple, and Red knew that, so she never said anything. Purple liked White, but White liked Red. Everyone knew that even their sensei Yellow, but Purple never gave up on trying to gain his affection."

"Why didn't Red just confess to Orange? Maybe he would've liked her if she told him her feelings."

I shrugged. "I guess... Red was just scared. Anyways, One day, Red and White were being promoted to Jonin. Everyone in their squad brought congratulations gifts for them, except for Orange. White didn't really care, but Red was deeply hurt. That same day, They were sent out on a mission. During that mission, Purple got captured. Orange wanted to go rescue her, but White wanted to complete the mission."

"Well, what about Red?"

"Red was conflicted. She knew how important this mission was for her Village, but she didn't want to abandon her teammate either. Eventually, Orange stormed off to go save Purple. Not long after that, Red and White went after him. Eventually, they saved Purple, but the cave they were in started to collapse."

I could see the cemetery in the distance. I glanced over at Naru, but I couldn't read his expression. I took a deep breath. "White was almost crushed by a huge boulder, but Orange pushed him out of the way. When the smoke cleared, the whole team saw him. Orange was crushed under the giant boulder, his entire right side was crushed."

I took another shaky breath to hold back my tears and looked down at the ground. "Red... Red tried so hard to get him out. The boulder was too big to move, so she tried breaking it. If the boulder would've been a bit lighter, then she could've moved it and saved him. Her teammates tried to stop her, but the only thing on her mind was saving him. Even Orange begged her to stop, but she wouldn't." I clenched my fist, the same fist that failed to save him that day.

"Eventually, the rest of the cave started to collapse. "Take Red and Purple out of here, and keep Purple safe," Orange said. Red didn't want to leave him, she had to save him. She didn't wanna lose anyone else she cared about, but White didnt want to lose her, so he picked her up and carried her out of the cave. The last thing she saw was Orange's smile before the entire case collapsed."

Naruto gasped softly and looked at me then down to my tightened fist, before gently grabbing my hand. I relaxed my fist and grabbed his hand and we walked into the cemetery. "What.. what happened after that?"

"Red screamed. She let out all of her emotions into that scream. It was like... her entire world shattered. She could physically feel her heartbreaking. White carried Red back to where they would meet up with their sensei. After that, she kind of lost all motivation. She didnt wanna eat, she couldn't sleep because she would have nightmares, she didnt leave her house, she didn't want to live. Eventually, she was convinced to start doing missions again, but Purple died as well."

Naruto squeezed my hand.

"Red and White were assigned to the Anbu. After their sensei, Yellow, died, Red became depressed. She started going on nonstop anbu missions. She purposely went on the longest, and most dangerous ones, but, years later, she found someone else that she cares about. Someone she doesn't want to leave behind, another ball of sunshine."

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