Not hero material

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The aroma of lasagna filled the Foster kitchen as Amanda removed it from the oven. Artemis strolled down the stairs dressed in a navy blue skirt, a black turtleneck, a navy blue coat and ankle length Dr Martins. Amanda knew her daughter didn't wanna talk about what happened earlier on so she'd push it aside. For now.

"You look nice! Where are you off to?" she mused. Artemis grabbed her keys of the counter and said, "Well you said I should socialize so I called Julie since I know she has a cousin here, turns out it's the cousin's birthday and so Julie got me an invite. So a high school party across town," she shrugged. Amanda smirked. "Ooh, will there be boys?" Artemis raised an eyebrow in disbelief of her mom's questions. "It's a high school party. Of course there'll be boys." Amanda squealed like an excited teenager.

"This is amazing! Now you'll socialize, make friends, maybe get back into the dating game-" "Woah, slow down there Amanda. No one said anything about dating," Artemis chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy that you're trying." Amanda was tearing up, Artemis would be too if she was the emotional type. So all she could do was pull her mom in for a hug.

A moment passed and Amanda pulled away from Artemis. "Well enough emotional mom time. Go have fun! But not too much fun, you've been sober for 3 weeks!" she said ushering her daughter out of the kitchen. "I'll be back by midnight," Artemis called. "Not doubting it one bit," Amanda retorted. She giggled as her daughter left the house and went back to what she was doing.


The walk along the sidewalk was silent for the two best friends, until Stiles decided to break the ice. "What?" Scott looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean what?" "I mean what and you know what." Scott had no clue. "What what?"

Finally Stiles relented and shed some rather vague clarity to the situation. "That look you're giving." "What look?" "That distinct look that says the last thing you wanna do is go to a party right now," Stiles said as they neared the house. Scott shrugged. "I don't know it just feels weird going to a different high school's party." Stiles stopped in his tracks and sighed promoting Scott to also stop walking.

"Look dude, I went to nursery school with this girl. She promised to introduce us to all her friends which means new mystery girl could also be there, so tonight no Allison, no Lydia. Tonight we're moving on," Stiles announced. Convinced by Stiles' pep talk, Scott put his phone in his pocket and grinned. "You're right." "That's right I'm right." "I'm moving on," Scott announced. "Onward and upward!" Stiles yelled. "Let's do this!" "That's what I'm talking about."

The pair did their handshake and carried on to Heather's porch. "How does my breath smell?" Scott asked. "Not smelling your breath." "Have any gum?" "No gum, you're fine."

The teens finally made it to Heather's front door. "How do we even know what kind of party this is?" Scott asked. Stiles sighed and opened the door. A blonde hair girl that Scott assumed was Heather ran up to them. "Stiles!" "There's the birthday girl-" Stiles was cut off by a kiss from Heather. Scott's jaw dropped in shock. The pair broke their kiss. "Come downstairs with me and help me pick a bottle of wine," Heather said enthusiastically as she dragged Stiles to wherever they were going. Scott turned his attention to Heather's best friend and waved. "Hi." She looked him up and down, and hummed in disdain before leaving him in confusion.

Luckily he wasn't alone because the mystery girl from school had seen the whole scene unfold and was chuckling. "You coming girl?!" "I'll catch up with you in a minute," mystery girl called out to Heather's friend.

Scott took some time to admire her. He was convinced that she was an angel of some sorts because there was no way anyone could be that beautiful.

"Ahh you're staring again," she sassed. Scott shook his head and chuckled. "I'm sorry, you're just really beautiful." She smirked at him. "Eh, you're not too bad yourself dirt bike," she shrugged. Scott smiled at the nickname. "Dirt bike?" She leaned against the stair case and raised a challenging eyebrow. "Well you didn't tell me your name," she shrugged. "You didn't ask for it," Scott retorted. "Ahh then I guess you shall remain Dirt bike," she chuckled. "And I guess you shall remain mystery girl," Scott shrugged. Her face screwed up in playful disgust. "Ew, no that sounds creepy. Change it," she gagged. "Or you could just tell me your real name," Scott challenged.

To trust and to hold {Scott McCall x Original Character}Where stories live. Discover now